How to use the NWT Species and Habitat Viewer

Detailed instructions for using the NWT Species and Habitat Viewer are available in the User Manual, or you can start with the one-page Quick Reference Guide.

Basic functions

.Go to NWT Species and Habitat Viewer to launch the map.

NWT Species and Habitat Viewer

Choose the theme you are interested in by selecting one of the tabs at the top of the map: Home (all layers), Species at Risk, Boreal Caribou, Migratory Caribou, or Biodiversity.

To explore a theme of interest to you, click the Show Theme Layers button and the About button to see information about the layers and report tools available for that theme. Or click the Show All Layers button and the Home button if you want to explore all the information available on the Viewer.

To see the list of layers, click the Layers icon at the bottom left. Use the +/- icons to expand the layer groups and the checkboxes to turn layers on or off. The biodiversity species distribution layer is designed to be viewed one species at a time, using the Species Distribution button, in the Biodiversity theme.

You can access the metadata (details) about each map layer, and you can also download the map layers. To find out how, click on the I want to… button.

You can upload your own spatial data to use on the Viewer using tools on the Add Data tab. Once you have found what you’re looking for, you can print a map using tools on the Create a Map tab.

Customized reports

The NWT Species and Habitat Viewer has several built-in report tools that can generate lists of species, range maps and information about wildlife habitat for a specific area.

To use one of the report tools, click one of the report buttons located in each tab and follow the instructions to enter your area of interest.

Instructions on accessing these reports by theme are below – including questions these reports can help answer.

Species at Risk

What species at risk are in my area, and what is their status?

The Species at Risk tab has range maps for all the species at risk that occur within the NWT, including all species assessed and/or listed as at risk under territorial and/or federal species at risk legislation.  Some species have additional types of range information available such as Critical Habitat under the Species at Risk Act.

The Species at Risk Report Tool will produce a report on the species at risk that are likely to occur within an area of interest that you specify in the NWT. Information is drawn from species range maps. Information on the species’ federal and territorial status is included in the report, as well as other information (e.g. maps, lead agency).

Reports are available in pdf or spreadsheet format.

To use this tool, go to the Species at Risk tab, click on the Species at Risk Report button, and follow the instructions to enter your area of interest.

NWT Species and Habitat Viewer

Boreal Caribou

Do boreal caribou occur in my area? How much habitat disturbance is there?

The Boreal Caribou tab has information on boreal caribou habitat in the NWT. It includes map layers for the NWT boreal caribou range, range planning regions, range plans, seasonal habitat selection, and landscape disturbance (both human footprint and fire).

The Boreal Caribou Habitat Disturbance Report Tool will produce a report with statistics about habitat disturbance for boreal caribou. It includes statistics for an area of interest that you specify as well as for the entire NWT range.

The “Range Planning Regions” layer contains information about the disturbance footprint in each range planning region for boreal caribou. To see this information, use the Identify tool on the Home tab, click on a range planning region of interest, and click the right arrows in the “Identify Results” pane to display the details.

How would a new development project in boreal caribou range change the amount of habitat disturbance?

The Boreal Caribou Project Screening Tool uses a proposed development footprint that you specify to produce a report on boreal caribou habitat disturbance levels and how the development would affect disturbance. This report can help developers and regulators assess and minimize impacts of development on caribou habitat.

Reports are available in pdf or spreadsheet format.

To use these tools, go to the Boreal Caribou tab, click on the Habitat Disturbance Report or the Project Screening Tool button, and follow the instructions to enter your area of interest.

NWT Species and Habitat Viewer

Migratory Caribou

Do barren-ground caribou and/or Dolphin and Union caribou occur in my area? Which herds, and in which seasons? Does the Bathurst Caribou Range Plan apply in my area?

The Migratory Caribou tab has information on barren-ground caribou herds and Dolphin and Union caribou in the NWT. There are map layers for each herd’s annual range and calving range, as well as their core seasonal ranges. Other useful layers include wildfires and features of the Bathurst Caribou Range Plan.

The Migratory Caribou Report Tool will produce a report that shows how areas for barren-ground caribou and Dolphin and Union caribou overlap with an area of interest that you specify.  The report includes information on caribou annual ranges, calving ranges, core seasonal ranges, elements of the Bathurst Caribou Range Plan, and water crossings.

How would a new development project on the range of the Bathurst herd change the amount of habitat disturbance?

The Bathurst Caribou Habitat Disturbance Report uses a proposed development footprint that you specify to produce a report on habitat disturbance levels in the Bathurst Caribou Range Plan area, and how the development would affect disturbance. This report can help developers and regulators assess and minimize impacts of development on caribou habitat. The information is tied back to disturbance thresholds in the Bathurst Caribou Range Plan.

Reports are available in pdf or spreadsheet format.

To use these tools, go to the Migratory Caribou tab, click on the Migratory Caribou Report or the Bathurst Habitat Disturbance Report button, and follow the instructions to enter your area of interest.

NWT Species and Habitat Viewer


What is the range of the species I am interested in? Where is it common, and where is it only seen occasionally?

The Biodiversity tab has range maps for many species in the NWT and information on all ecosystems in the NWT. The range maps are based on ecological regions (EcoRegions). Species lists come from the NWT General Status Species Ranking Program. Currently information is available for mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles; more species groups will be added in the future.

Use the Species Distribution Tool to look up a species in the ‘Biodiversity Species Distribution’ layer. The map will display where the species occurs in the NWT and its relative abundance in different areas. This is the only way to make the Biodiversity Species Distribution layer visible on the map.

Which species occur in my area of interest, and how common are they?

The Biodiversity Report Tool will produce a report with a list of species whose ranges overlap with an area of interest that you specify in the NWT. It also includes information on the relative abundance of the species in each ecological region (EcoRegion) that overlaps with your area.

Reports are available in pdf or spreadsheet format.

To use these tools, go to the Biodiversity tab. Click on the Species Distribution button and look up the species you are interested in using its name or taxonomic group. Or, click on the Biodiversity Report button and follow the instructions to enter your area of interest.

NWT Species and Habitat Viewer