Annual report by the Forest Management Division of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources on forest health conditions across the NWT. The forest health program monitors whether or not the forest has the capacity for renewal after a wide range of disturbances, for the retention of its ecological resiliency while meeting current and future needs of NWT residents. The focus of the forest health program has been on monitoring insect and disease impacts in the NWT forests. However, since 2015, FMD has also been recording abiotic disturbances to address the uncertainty of forest ecosystem response to a changing climate. Examples of abiotic disturbances recorded during monitoring surveys include: drought symptoms (reddening of foliage, sun scalding scars, stunted and gnarled foliage), flooding, wind and snow damage, land slumps, and permafrost related disturbance (“drunken forest” phenomenon). General decline of some tree species is also tracked.