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Forest Fire Management for the NWT
NWT Forest Fire Management Policy (pdf/52.28 KB)
Summary of projects completed under the Western Northwest Territories Biophysical Study in 2004/2005.
Western NWT Biophysical Study Annual Report 2004/2005 (pdf/1.73 MB)
The Northwest Territories Biodiversity Action Plan published by the NWT Biodiversity Action Team in 2004. First Biodiversity Action Plan report for the NWT.
NWT Biodiversity Action Plan Report 1 - 2004 (pdf/7.12 MB)
A list of NWT tools available to help with adaptive ecological management.
NWT Biodiveristy Adaptive Ecological Management (pdf/399.6 KB)
Wildlife Manuscript Report 61. Fire/Fur/Moose - Annual Report 1991/92. Graf, R. 1992. 19 pp.
Fire/Fur/Moose Annual Report 1991/92 (pdf/746.29 KB)
Wildlife File Report 29. Comparison of Forest Fire Mapping Results From Aerial Reconnaissance and From Landsat Imagery 1983.
Comparison of Forest Fire Mapping Results From Aerial Reconnaissance and From Landsat Imagery 1983 (pdf/1.31 MB)
Wildlife File Report 34. Fire History of the Beverly Caribou Winter Range, NT 1966-1982.
Fire History of the Beverly Caribou Winter Range, NT 1966-1982 (pdf/443.68 KB)
Tuktu the Caribou teaches students about why it is important to prevent forest fires.
Forest Fire Prevention Colouring Book (pdf/2.6 MB)
Information on the balsam poplar tree including how it is used by people and wildlife.
Balsam Poplar (pdf/921.77 KB)
Information on the black spruce tree including its traditional uses and uses by people and wildlife.
Black Spruce (pdf/874.44 KB)
Information on the dwarf birch tree including its traditional uses and uses by people wildlife.
Dwarf Birch (pdf/777.17 KB)
Information on the jack pine tree inlcuding its traditional uses and uses by wildlife.
Jack Pine (pdf/858.88 KB)
Information on the mountain alder tree including its traditional uses and uses by wildlife.
Mountain Alder (pdf/784.45 KB)
Information on the subalpine fir including its traditonal uses and uses by wildlife.
Subalpine Fir (pdf/903.76 KB)
Information on the tamarack tree, the official tree of the NWT, including its traditonal uses and uses by wildlife.
Tamarack (pdf/906.28 KB)
Information on the trembling aspen tree including its traditional uses and uses by wildlife.
Trembling Aspen (pdf/987.02 KB)
Information on the white spruce tree including its traditional uses and uses by wildlife.
White Spruce (pdf/979.5 KB)
Information on the willow tree including its traditional uses and uses by wildlife.
Willows (pdf/780.66 KB)
Students unscramble words associated with the boreal forest.
Boreal Forest Word Jumble (pdf/54.55 KB)
Map showing locations of forest vegetation inventories done in the NWT.
NWT Forest Vegetation Management Inventories Map (pdf/642.16 KB)