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The overarching goal of this Agreement is to support the conservation and recovery of the boreal caribou population in the Northwest Territories.
Species At Risk Act Conservation Agreement For The Conservation Of The Boreal Caribou - 2019 (pdf/1.64 MB)
L’objectif global du présent accord est d’énoncer les mesures afin de soutenir la conservation et le rétablissement de la population de caribou boréal qui se trouve aux TNO.
Loi Sur Les Espèces En Péril - Accord de conservation pour la conservation du caribou boréal - 2019 (pdf/1.75 MB)
A summary of what we heard during public engagement on the development of a new Protected Areas Act.
What We Heard - Protected Areas Act (pdf/754.25 KB)
Elder's stories of Jean Marie River: Impacts of permafrost thaw and forest fires on boreal caribou habitat
CIMP NERB v.16 (pdf/3.14 MB)
NWT Water Stewardship Strategy Progress Summary 2017-18 (pdf/1.6 MB)
NWT Water Stewardship Strategy Progress Summary Raw Data Sheet 2017-18 (pdf/514.49 KB)
Rapport d’étape sommaire 2017-2018 sur la stratégie de gestion des eaux des TNO
Rapport d’étape sommaire 2017-2018 sur la stratégie de gestion des eaux des TNO (pdf/1.48 MB)
CIMP Summary sheet North and South Slave regions (pdf/1.02 MB)
Sahtu CIMP regional summary sheet (pdf/998.25 KB)
Wek'eezhii CIMP regional summary sheet (pdf/1.01 MB)
A general fact sheet about conservation network planning in the Northwest Territories
Conservation Network Planning Fact Sheet (pdf/3 MB)
Fact sheet on alvars, a special feature considered in conservation network planning
Alvars Fact Sheet (pdf/1.57 MB)
Fact sheet on amphibians and reptiles, a special feature considered in conservation network planning
Amphibians and Reptiles Fact Sheet (pdf/1.9 MB)
A fact sheet about beaches and beach ridges, a special feature considered in conservation network planning
Beaches and Beach Ridges Fact Sheet (pdf/2.05 MB)
A fact sheet about deltas, a special feature considered in conservation network planning
Deltas Fact Sheet (pdf/2.26 MB)
Fact sheet on eskers, a special feature considered in conservation network planning
Eskers Fact Sheet (pdf/2.56 MB)
Fact sheet on glacial refugia, a special feature considered in conservation network planning
Glacial Refugia Fact Sheet (pdf/1.87 MB)
Fact sheet on hot and warm springs, a special feature considered in conservation network planning
Hot and Warm Springs Fact Sheet (pdf/1.8 MB)
Fact sheet on karst landscapes, a special feature considered in conservation network planning
Karst Fact Sheet (pdf/3.03 MB)
A fact sheet on Globally Rare and May-be-at-Risk Lichens, a special feature considered in conservation network planning
Globally Rare and May-be-at-Risk Lichens Fact Sheet (pdf/2.01 MB)