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Poster providing basic information on size, landscape, vegetation and wildlife found in the Arctic Islands Ecozone.
Arctic Islands Ecozone Poster (pdf/4.9 MB)
FAQ Draft Northwest Territories Conservation Areas Action Plan 2015-2020
FAQ Draft Northwest Territories Conservation Areas Action Plan 2015-2020 (pdf/66.82 KB)
A family does some hunting at their traditional summer camp.
My Summer Camp (pdf/59.47 KB)
Information for teachers who want to teach their students how to collect birch sap and make syrup.
Birch Sap/Syrup Activity and Lesson Plan (pdf/177.32 KB)
Appendix to the NWT Biodiversity Action Plan listing wildlife-related monitoring programs in the Northwest Territories.
NWT Biodiversity Action Plan - Appendix - Wildlife Monitoring (pdf/173.26 KB)
Poster providing basic information on size, landscape, vegetation and wildlife found in the ecological regions of the Taiga Plains Ecozone.
Taiga Plains Ecozone Poster (pdf/2.03 MB)
Poster providing basic information on size, landscape, vegetation and wildlife found in the ecological regions of the Taiga Shield Ecozone.
Taiga Shield Ecozone Poster (pdf/2.96 MB)
Poster providing basic information on size, landscape, vegetation and wildlife found in the Cordillera Ecozone.
Cordillera Ecozone Poster (pdf/3.92 MB)
Poster providing basic information on size, landscape, vegetation and wildlife found in the Southern Arctic Ecozone.
Southern Arctic Ecozone Poster (pdf/24.58 MB)
Non-Renewable Resource Assessment Phase 1 – Minerals (En anglais seulement)
Non-Renewable Resource Assessment Phase 1 – Minerals 2008 (pdf/4.22 MB)
Final report on the NWT forest ecosystem classification pilot project done in 2004.
NWT Forest Ecosystem Classification Pilot Project Report (pdf/1.13 MB)
Poster showing EOSD land cover classes in the NWT.
NWT Land Cover Types Poster (pdf/6.73 MB)
Thaidene Nëné Establishment Agreement - Deninu K'ue First Nation (pdf/1.47 MB)
Vérification environnementale 2020 des TNO – Résumé en langage clair
Vérification environnementale 2020 des TNO – Résumé en langage clair (pdf/1.45 MB)
Foire aux questions sur l'évaluation de la chasse durable au caribou boréal
Évaluation de la chasse durable au caribou boréal - FAQ (pdf/274.7 KB)
Speaker Bios for the 2022 Gathering
Speaker Biographies - Conservation Network Gathering 2022 (pdf/225.31 KB)