

Excel chart for comments on Wek’èezhìı Interim Boreal Caribou Range Plan

Publication date: 
August 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Type of resource: 

Le Comité sur les espèces en péril a été établi en vertu de la Loi. Il s’agit d’un comité d’experts indépendant chargé d’évaluer la situation biologique des espèces en péril aux TNO. Voici le rapport 2020-21.

Publication date: 
August 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

The Species at Risk Committee (the Committee) was established under the Act. It is an independent committee of experts responsible for assessing the biological status of species at risk in the NWT. This is the 2020-21 report.

Publication date: 
August 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

La Conférence des autorités de gestion a tenu cinq réunions au cours de l’exercice financier 2020-2021. La Première Nation Acho Dene Koe, le gouvernement du territoire d’Akaitcho, le Conseil de gestion des caribous de Beverly et de Qamanirjuaq, la Première Nation Dehcho, la Première Nation Kátł’odeeche, l’Alliance des Métis du Slave Nord, la Nation des Métis des Territoires du Nord-Ouest et la Première Nation de Salt River ont été invités à titre d’observateurs ou de participants aux réunions de la Conférence.

Publication date: 
August 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

The Conference of Management Authorities held five meetings during the 2020-2021 fiscal year. The Acho Dene Koe First Nation, Akaitcho Territory Government, Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board, Dehcho First Nations, Kátł’odeeche First Nation, North Slave Métis Alliance, Northwest Territory Métis Nation, and Salt River First Nation were invited to observe or participate in Conference meetings.

Publication date: 
August 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

The full draft document of the Wek’èezhı̀ı Interim Boreal Caribou Range Plan 

  • Vous trouverez un résumé en français dès la page 3.
Publication date: 
August 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

NWT Environmental Research Bulletin (Nerb). Information on project and research about the environment in the NWT.

Publication date: 
July 2021
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Conservation planning, Monitoring, Research and data
Resource Type: 
Type of resource: 

Bulletin de recherche sur l’environnement des TNO, information sur plusieurs sujets sur l'environnement des TNO.

Publication date: 
July 2021
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Conservation planning, Monitoring, Research and data
Resource Type: 
Type of resource: 

Atlas de la Première Nation Ka’a’gee Tu — Initiative de cartographie et de surveillance communautaire des changements du paysage

Publication date: 
July 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

CIMP - NERB #24: The Ka’a’gee Tu Atlas - Community-based mapping and monitoring of a changing landscape.

Publication date: 
July 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

Bulletin de recherche sur l’environnement des TNO (BRET) - Volume 7, #43

Also available in English: NWT Environmental Research Bulletin (NERB) - Volume 7, #43

Publication date: 
July 2021
Resource Category: 
Research and data, Monitoring, Conservation planning, Climate change
Resource Type: 
Type of resource: 

What we heard on Healty Land, Healty People.

  • Sommaire en français
Publication date: 
June 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

2020 NWT Environmental Audit - Inuvialuktun FAQ 

Publication date: 
April 2021
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Conservation planning, Monitoring, Research and data
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

The objectives of this report are to 1) understand the spatial extent and distribution of permafrost in the Alberta-Northwest Territories transboundary region, 2) identify areas most vulnerable to gradual permafrost thaw, and 3) review literature of the current state-of-knowledge on potential impacts of permafrost thaw on water quality and quantity in transboundary regions. To support the Bilateral Water Management Agreement (BWMA) signed between the Governments of Alberta (AB) and the Northwest Territories (NT) in 2015, knowledge and data gaps are identified for the transboundary region.

  • En anglais seulement
Publication date: 
April 2021
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Conservation planning, Water
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

Information sur le plan de gestion provisoire du caribou de Bathurst.

Publication date: 
April 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Type of resource: 

2020 NWT Environmental Audit - Tłı̨chǫ FAQ 

Publication date: 
April 2021
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Conservation planning, Research and data
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

2020 NWT Environmental Audit - North Slavey 

Publication date: 
April 2021
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Conservation planning, Monitoring, Research and data
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 

This is the plain language summary of the Draft Bathurst Caribou Management Plan. The Draft Plan makes recommendations for the recovery and long-term well-being of the Bathurst barren-ground caribou herd.

Publication date: 
April 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Monitoring, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Type of resource: 

2020 NWT Environmental Audit - Gwich'in FAQ 

Publication date: 
April 2021
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Conservation planning, Monitoring, Research and data
Resource Type: 
Informational materials
Type of resource: 
