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Final report on the big game harvesting program offered in Tuktoyatuk in 2011.
Tuktoyaktuk Big Game Harvesting Program 2011 (pdf/1.65 MB)
A report on the 2010 Aklavik Take a Kid Trapping Program.
Take a Kid Trapping Program - Aklavik - Report - 2010 (pdf/712.38 KB)
A report on the hunter education program held in Tuktoyaktuk in 2010.
Tuktoyaktuk Hunter Education Program - Tuktoyaktuk - Report - 2010 (pdf/2.41 MB)
Final report of the hunter education program offered in Tuktoyaktuk in 2010.
Tuktoyaktuk Hunter Education Program - Report - 2010 (pdf/2.42 MB)
A report on the 2009 trapper awareness program done with Samuel Hearn Secondary School School students at in 2009.
Trapper Awareness Program - Samuel Hearn Secondary School - Report - 2009 (pdf/524.38 KB)
A report on the 2009 caribou hunt done with Chief Julius School students in 2009.
Caribou Hunt Report - Chief Julius School - 2009 (pdf/4.02 MB)
A report on the 2008 trapper awareness program done with Sir Alexander Mackenzie School students at in 2008.
Sir Alexander Mackenzie School Trapper Awareness Program Report - 2008 (pdf/1.64 MB)
A report on the hunter education and cultural program held at Fort McPherson in 2008
Fort McPherson Hunter Education Program Report - 2008 (pdf/2.09 MB)
A report on the 2007 caribou hunt done with Sir Alexander Mackenzie School students at Rock River, Yukon in 2007.
Caribou Hunt - Sir Alexander Mackenzie School - Report - 2007 (pdf/1.14 MB)
A report on the beluga harvest off Hendrickson Island in 2007.
Beluga Harvest Program Report - 2007 (pdf/1.57 MB)
A report on the trapper training program held at the Bear Creek in 2007.
Bear Creek Trapper Training Program 2007 (pdf/565.48 KB)
A report on the trapper training program held at the Rat River in 2006.
Rat River Trapper Training Program Report - 2006 (pdf/1.25 MB)
A report on a seal skinning program held for Paulatuk students in 2006.
Paulatuk Seal Skinning Program Report - 206 (pdf/1.08 MB)
A report on the 2005 Beaufort-Delta youth trapper training program.
Beaufort-Delta Region Youth Trapping Training Report - 2005 (pdf/1.11 MB)
Information on Take a Kid Trapping programs offered in the NWT from 2005-2007.
Take a Kid Trapping Report 2005-2007 (pdf/631.61 KB)