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A newsletter in South Slavey language dedicated to keeping residents informed about boreal caribou range planning in the Northwest Territories (NWT).
Update on boreal caribou range planning (August 2020) - Łıé́ xaye taǫnet’e dı̨̨̨Į̨ lıh Medzıh ts’ęhk’eh gondı kagele (South Slavey) (pdf/3.07 MB)
A newsletter in North Slavey language dedicated to keeping residents informed about boreal caribou range planning in the Northwest Territories (NWT).
Update on boreal caribou range planning (August 2020) - Łǝ́ǝ xae dı̨ı̨ Ɂekwé ghǫ godı erı̨htł’é (North Slavey) (pdf/3.17 MB)
A newsletter in Inuvialuktun language dedicated to keeping residents informed about boreal caribou range planning in the Northwest Territories (NWT).
Update on boreal caribou range planning (August 2020) - Tuktu Sitamat Makpiraaq́ (Inuvialuktun) (pdf/2.82 MB)
A newsletter in Cree language dedicated to keeping residents informed about boreal caribou range planning in the Northwest Territories (NWT).
Update on boreal caribou range planning (August 2020) - atihk tahto nisto pisim (Cree) (pdf/2.65 MB)
A newsletter in Gwich'in language dedicated to keeping residents informed about boreal caribou range planning in the Northwest Territories (NWT).
Update on boreal caribou range planning (August 2020) - Vadzaih Eenjit Diiyà h Tr’igwaandak (Gwich'in) (pdf/3.15 MB)
Feuille informative sur l’approche conjointe de gestion des loups (dìga) du GTNO et du gouvernement tłı̨chǫ dans la région du Slave Nord
L’approche conjointe de gestion des loups (dìga) du GTNO et du gouvernement Tłı̨chǫ (pdf/1.25 MB)
Information about the joint GNWT-Tłı̨chǫ Government approach to wolf (dìga) management in the North Slave region
GNWT-Tłı̨chǫ Government - Approach to wolf (dìga) management (pdf/1.37 MB)
Feuille informative sur les mesures visant à favoriser le rétablissement du caribou de Bathurst et de Bluenose-est 2019-20
Gestion du loup (dìga) : mise à jour 2019-20 (pdf/2.61 MB)
Information sheet about actions to support the recovery of Bathurst and Bluenose-East caribou 2019-20
Wolf (dìga) management: 2019-20 update (pdf/2.84 MB)
Voici le premier numéro du Bulletin trimestriel sur le caribou, consacré à vous garder informé(e) sur la planification des aires de répartition du caribou boréal aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest (TNO).
Mises à jour sur la planification de l'aire de répartition du caribou boréal - Août 2020 (pdf/2.98 MB)
A newsletter dedicated to keeping residents informed about boreal caribou range planning in the Northwest Territories (NWT).
Update on Boreal Caribou Range Planning - Newsletter August 2020 (pdf/1.48 MB)