

Premier rapport annuel du Comité bilatéral de gestion de l’Alberta et des Territoires du Nord-Ouest.

Also available in English: Executive Summary: Working Together to Manage Our Shared Waters. 2015-2016 Alberta-Northwest Territories Bilateral Management Committee

Executive Summary: Working Together to Manage Our Shared Waters. 2015-2016 Alberta-Northwest Territories Bilateral Management Committee

Publication date: 
November 2017
Resource Category: 
Monitoring, Research and data, Water Monitoring and Stewardship
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

Inaugural annual report of the Alberta-Northwest Territories Bilateral Management Committee.

Aussi disponible en français : SOMMAIRE : Pour une gestion collaborative de nos eaux communes. Rapport annuel 2015-2016 présenté aux ministres par le Comité bilatéral de gestion de l’Alberta et des Territoires du Nord-Ouest

Sommaire : Pour une gestion collaborative de nos eaux communes. Rapport annuel 2015-2016 présenté aux ministres par le Comité bilatéral de gestion de l’Alberta et des Territoires du Nord-Ouest

Full Annual Report available at: Working Together to Manage Our Shared Waters: Alberta-Northwest Territories Bilateral Management Committee Annual Report to Ministers 2015-16

Publication date: 
November 2017
Resource Category: 
Monitoring, Research and data, Water Monitoring and Stewardship
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 
Publication date: 
November 2017
Resource Category: 
Monitoring, Research and data, Water Monitoring and Stewardship
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

NERB Volume 2 Issue 14: NERB Volume 2 Issue 9: Caribou, Mining Operations and the Zone of Influence

NWT Environmental Research Bulletin - A series of brief plain language summaries of various environmental research findings in the Northwest Territories. If you’re conducting environmental research in the NWT, consider sharing your information with northern residents in a bulletin. These research summaries are also of use to northern resource decision-makers.

Publication date: 
November 2017
Resource Category: 
Monitoring, Research and data, Water Monitoring and Stewardship, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 