Starting July 1, 2019, new restrictions on importing live deer and specific deer parts from harvested animals came into effect under the Northwest Territories (NWT) Wildlife Act regulations.
Le Programme du savoir sera utilisé par les dirigeants gouvernementaux, les planificateurs, les décideurs politiques et les chercheurs pour réaliser les objectifs stratégiques du gouvernement et améliorer la qualité de l’information utilisée pour la prise de décisions aux TNO.
The Knowledge Agenda is a tool that will be used by GNWT leaders, planners, policy-makers and researchers, in conjunction with GNWT legislation, policies, strategies and plans to advance the strategic goals of government and ultimately improve the quality of information used to make decisions in the Territory.
This template has been provided to assist developers in preparing a basic Wildlife Management and Monitoring Plan (WMMP) that can outline how impacts to wildlife and wildlife habitat will be mitigated and monitored.
This screening questionnaire is a tool to be used by the developer to determine the potential impacts of their developments on wildlife and wildlife habitat to inform decisions about mitigations.
This document details the expectations regarding the required sections for a full-scale Tier 3 WMMP. Specific sections required for Tier 1 and 2 WMMPs are described in the WMMP Process and Content Guidelines. A template for a Tier 1 WMMP is also provided.
Movements of barren-ground caribou have been tracked by the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) since 1996 using satellite radio collars. Collars provide key information on caribou throughout the year.
Le gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (GTNO) suit les déplacements du caribou de la toundra depuis 1996 au moyen de colliers émetteurs. Les colliers fournissent des renseignements importants sur le caribou tout au long de l’année.
Conservation planning, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Conservation planning, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Full title: Estimates of breeding females & adult herd size and analyses of demographics for the bluenose-east herd of barren-ground caribou: 2018 calving ground photographic survey.
John Boulanger, Jan Adamczewski, John Nishi3, Dean Cluff, Judy Williams, Heather Sayine-Crawford, and Lisa Marie LeClerc. 98 pp. Wildlife Manuscript Report 278.
Publication date:
May 2019
Resource Category:
Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature