

Rotary Wing Pilot Data Sheet for the 2024 fire season.

  • En anglais seulement
Publication date: 
January 2024
Resource Category: 
Fire, Forest resources
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Fixed Wing Fuel Rate Sheet (pdf/595.01 KB)


Rates for fixed wing aircraft during the 2024 wildfire season.

  • En anglais seulement
Publication date: 
January 2024
Resource Category: 
Fire, Forest resources
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Fixed Wing Fuel Rate Sheet (pdf/595.01 KB)

  • As a term of condition attached to your permit, a summary report is required within 3 months of the expiry of the permit to the issuing office. Please use this form to report your activities and findings. Additional research permits will not be granted until ECC has received a report on work done under a previous permit. 
  • L’une des conditions de votre permis est d’envoyer un rapport sommaire au bureau émetteur dans les trois mois suivant l’expiration du permis. Veuillez utiliser le présent formulaire pour consigner vos activités et vos observations. Aucun autre permis de recherche ne sera octroyé tant que le MECC n’aura pas reçu un rapport sur le travail réalisé en vertu d’un permis précédent.
Publication date: 
December 2023
Resource Category: 
Research and data, Wildlife and nature, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
  • You need this permit if you plan to film, interact with, manipulate or undertake close observation of big game species in the Northwest Territories.
  • Si vous faites des recherches sur la faune, de l’observation ou de la manipulation d’animaux sauvages aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest (TNO), vous devez détenir les licences et les permis appropriés.
Publication date: 
October 2023
Resource Category: 
Research and data, Wildlife and nature, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Resident hunter mandatory muskox hunt report form 

Resident hunters with a current NWT muskox tag must carry their tag while hunting and must submit a harvest report to ECC regardless of success.

Publication date: 
October 2023
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
  • If you are researching, observing, and/or handling wildlife in the Northwest Territories (NWT) you need to have the proper permits and licences. This applies to everyone, including government agencies, and is intended to avoid harm to NWT natural, social and cultural environments.
  • Si vous faites des recherches sur la faune, de l’observation ou de la manipulation d’animaux sauvages aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest (TNO), vous devez détenir les licences et les permis appropriés. Cette mesure s’applique à tout le monde, y compris aux organismes gouvernementaux, et vise à éviter les dommages qui pourraient être causés aux milieux naturels, sociaux et culturels des TNO.
Publication date: 
October 2023
Resource Category: 
Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Recommendation form to have completed and to submit with all applications for Wildlife Research and Observation Permits. / Formulaire de recommandation à remplir et à remettre avec toute demande de permis de recherche et d'observation de la faune.

Publication date: 
October 2023
Resource Category: 
Research and data, Wildlife and nature, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Resident hunter mandatory muskox hunt report form 

Resident hunters with a current NWT muskox tag must carry their tag while hunting and must submit a harvest report to ECC regardless of success.

Publication date: 
October 2023
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

The goal of the Trapper Mentorship Program is to provide beginner trappers with an opportunity to start trapping. Experienced trappers (Mentors) are partnered with committed learners (Apprentices) as a way of passing on traditional-life skills, knowledge and access to equipment to start trapping.


L’objectif du Programme de mentorat des trappeurs est d’offrir aux trappeurs débutants l’occasion de commencer à pratiquer le piégeage. Pour ce faire, on jumelle un apprenti sérieux à un trappeur chevronné (le mentor) qui lui transmettra les compétences et les connaissances traditionnelles requises, et lui donnera accès à l’équipement nécessaire à l’apprentissage du piégeage.

Publication date: 
August 2023
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Chasseur résident déclaration obligatoire sur la chasse au bison pour les chasseurs résidents

Publication date: 
July 2023
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Resident hunter mandatory bison hunt report form 

Resident hunters with a current NWT bison tag must carry their tag while hunting and must submit a harvest report to ENR regardless of success.

Information provided by hunters on the Resident Hunter Mandatory Bison Hunt Report Form helps improve wildlife management.

Publication date: 
July 2023
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
  • This is to be completed after the research involving handling wildlife has been completed, and submitted to the Chair of the Wildlife Care Committee. You will likely need to save this PDF to your desktop prior to filling it out if you wish to save or send an electronic copy of the completed form.
  • Ce rapport doit être rempli lorsqu’un projet approuvé impliquant la manipulation d’animaux est terminé, et ce, dans les trois mois suivant la date d’expiration du permis ou au moment de présenter une demande de prolongation pour un protocole existant
Publication date: 
July 2023
Resource Category: 
Research and data, Wildlife and nature, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Please provide an itemized projected budget using this Project Budget Template. Your completed Project Budget must be must be signed by the signatory(s) and attached as a separate document to your Application for Contribution Funding.

Publication date: 
June 2023
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
Publication date: 
April 2023
Resource Category: 
Leases, Permits and Fees
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
territorial land act application
Publication date: 
April 2023
Resource Category: 
Leases, Permits and Fees
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
Publication date: 
April 2023
Resource Category: 
Leases, Permits and Fees
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
Publication date: 
April 2023
Resource Category: 
Leases, Permits and Fees
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
