
Quarry Development Plan (pdf/736.13 KB)


The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) Department of Lands (Lands) has developed this template of a Quarry Development Plan (QDP) for the Northwest Territories to identify the information required to efficiently process quarry permit applications and to apply consistent standards to the design and operation of quarries.

A Quarry Development Plan is to describe the design and operation of the quarry from initial development through to final reclamation. A QDP is intended to be complementary, not duplicative, to the terms and conditions contained in regulatory authorizations (licences or permits).

Publication date: 
March 2021
Resource Category: 
Leases, Permits and Fees
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Quarry Development Plan (pdf/736.13 KB)


The document linked here is currently only in English, it is a voluntary declaration form for an occupant of a structure on public land to fill out if they wish to state their structure is ancillary to the exercise of an established or asserted treaty right.

Publication date: 
January 2021
Resource Category: 
Leases, Permits and Fees
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
Voluntary Declaration of Occupancy form

The document linked here is currently only in English, it is a notice that informs an occupant of a structure on public land without proper authorization that they need to contact the Department of Lands.

Publication date: 
January 2021
Resource Category: 
Land Management and Enforcement
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
  • The COVID Regional Harvesting, Training and Mentorship Support Program provides funding to support community-led opportunities for harvesting mentorship, on-the-land training and skills development, and supply of country foods into communities. This program is in response to COVID-19.
  • Soutenir les activités de mentorat dans le domaine de la chasse proposées au sein des collectivités, les initiatives de formation dans la nature et de perfectionnement des compétences, ainsi que l’approvisionnement des collectivités en aliments traditionnels. Ce programme s’inscrit dans les mesures de lutte contre la COVID-19.

Publication date: 
October 2020
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Entry Form - FireSmart® Starts in Your Backyard contest

Publication date: 
May 2020
Resource Category: 
Education and outreach, Fire
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Formulaire d'inscription - Soyez Intelli-Feu ® à domicile, ma cour pare-feu.

Publication date: 
May 2020
Resource Category: 
Education and outreach, Fire
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

This survey is for the Nunavut hunters that would harvest wolf in the North Slave region. 

  • Ce document est disponible seulement en anglais.
Publication date: 
February 2020
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
  • Wildlife Care Committee members forward their review and comments to the committee Chair, who will document all WCC comments and recommendations on an individual Protocol Review Form. 
  • Les membres du Comité de protection de la faune des TNO transmettent leur examen et leurs commentaires au président du comité qui prendra en compte tous les commentaires et recommandations écrits sur ce formulaire de révision du protocole. 
Publication date: 
November 2019
Resource Category: 
Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
  • Anyone conducting wildlife research within the NWT that will involve handling wildlife needs to complete this form and submit it to the chair of the Wildlife Care Committee, in addition to applying for a general permit to conduct research within the NWT.
  • Toute personne menant des recherches sur la faune dans les TNO qui implique la manipulation d'animaux sauvages doit compléter ce formulaire et le soumettre au comité de protection de la faune, en plus de demander un permis général pour mener ces recherches dans les TNO.
Publication date: 
November 2019
Resource Category: 
Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

If you plan to possess or transport domestic sheep in a Wood Bison Area in the Northwest Territories (NWT) you need to have the proper permits. A domestic animal permit may include requirements for fencing, containment for transport, testing and disease management, and other terms and conditions.

Si vous planifiez de posséder ou de transporter des moutons domestiques dans une aire où vivent des bisons des bois aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest (TNO) ou de traverser une telle aire avec vos bêtes, vous devez avoir les permis nécessaires. Un permis pour animaux domestiques peut comprendre des exigences concernant les clôtures, le confinement pendant le transport, les tests et la gestion des maladies, ainsi que d’autres modalités. 

Publication date: 
September 2019
Resource Category: 
Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

The purpose of the NWT Youth Water Stewardship and Mentorship Grant Program is to support youth engagement and leadership in water stewardship through mentorship and small project grants. The deadline to submit the application is September 16, 2019, 11:30 p.m.  For more information about the program, visit our website:

  • The guideline for the application is available under: NWT youth water stewardship and mentorship grant program guidelines

Le Programme jeunesse de subvention et de mentorat pour la gestion des eaux des TNO vise à soutenir l'engagement et le leadership des jeunes dans ce domaine en offrant mentorat et subventions pour des petits projets. La date limite pour présenter une demande est le 16 septembre 2019, à 23 h 30 (heure des Rocheuses). Pour de plus amples renseignements au sujet du programme, visitez notre site Web :

  • Les lignes directrices pour la demande est disponible sous : Programme jeunesse de subvention et de mentorat pour la gestion des eaux des TNO
Publication date: 
August 2019
Resource Category: 
Education and outreach, Water
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Beverage Container Program Distributor Monthly Reporting Form (BCP1A)

Publication date: 
August 2019
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Application form for beverage container distributor registration. / Demande d’inscription pour la distribution des contenants de boisson.

Publication date: 
July 2019
Resource Category: 
Contaminants, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

IRMA base funding application 2019-2020

Publication date: 
April 2019
Resource Category: 
Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) is excited to announce a new pilot grant program, in the 2018/2019 fiscal year, to support NWT youth in making their water stewardship project ideas a reality.

The purpose of the grant program is to support youth engagement and leadership in water stewardship. The program, with total funding of $10,000, offers support through mentorship and a number of small project grants. The goal is to help connect young people to experiences and resources that further build their skills and interests in water stewardship.

Aussi disponible en français :

Publication date: 
September 2018
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 

Le ministère de l’Environnement et des Ressources naturelles (MERN) du gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (GTNO) est ravi d’annoncer la mise en place, pour l’exercice 2018-2019, d’un programme pilote de subvention destiné à aider les jeunes des TNO à concrétiser leur projet de gestion des eaux.

Le nouveau programme de subvention vise à favoriser la mobilisation et le leadership des jeunes en matière de gestion des eaux. Doté d’un fonds de 10 000 $, il offre un appui sous la forme de mentorat et de plusieurs subventions pour des projets à petite échelle, le but étant d’amener les jeunes à profiter de ressources et à vivre des expériences qui les aideront à renforcer leurs compétences et leur intérêt relativement à la gestion des eaux.

Also available in English as:

Publication date: 
September 2018
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
Publication date: 
May 2018
Resource Category: 
Education and outreach
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
  • Hazardous Waste Generator Registration Form: Hazardous wastes must be handled or disposed of properly to prevent harm to human health and safety and to the environment. If you are generating or carrying hazardous waste in the NWT, you are required to register with the Government of the Northwest Territories to obtain a generator or carrier number.
  • Formulaire d’inscription à titre de producteur de déchets dangereux : Les déchets dangereux doivent être manipulés ou éliminés de façon appropriée si l’on veut éviter de nuire à la santé et à la sécurité des personnes ainsi qu’à l’environnement. Si vous produisez ou transportez des déchets dangereux aux TNO, vous devez vous inscrire auprès du gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest pour obtenir un numéro de producteur ou de transporteur.
Publication date: 
March 2018
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Forms and applications
Type of resource: 
