

Le gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (GTNO) élabore une nouvelle loi sur les forêts en regroupant les actuelles Loi sur l’aménagement des forêts et Loi sur la protection des forêts.

Publication date: 
February 2023
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Conservation planning, Forest resources, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is developing a new Forest Act to amend and combine the existing Forest Management Act and the Forest Protection Act.

Publication date: 
February 2023
Resource Category: 
Climate change, Conservation planning, Forest resources, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

The NWT State of the Environment (NWT SOE Report) provides information on topics relevant to the environment.

  • Un résumé est disponible en français dans ce document
Publication date: 
June 2022
Resource Category: 
Wildlife and nature, Water, Waste Reduction and Recycling, Research and data, Monitoring, Contaminants, Conservation planning, Climate change, Education and outreach, Fire, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Forest resources, Air quality
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

Le Comité sur les espèces en péril a été établi en vertu de la Loi. Il s’agit d’un comité d’experts indépendant chargé d’évaluer la situation biologique des espèces en péril aux TNO. Voici le rapport 2020-21.

Publication date: 
August 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

The Conference of Management Authorities held five meetings during the 2020-2021 fiscal year. The Acho Dene Koe First Nation, Akaitcho Territory Government, Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board, Dehcho First Nations, Kátł’odeeche First Nation, North Slave Métis Alliance, Northwest Territory Métis Nation, and Salt River First Nation were invited to observe or participate in Conference meetings.

Publication date: 
August 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

The Species at Risk Committee (the Committee) was established under the Act. It is an independent committee of experts responsible for assessing the biological status of species at risk in the NWT. This is the 2020-21 report.

Publication date: 
August 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

La Conférence des autorités de gestion a tenu cinq réunions au cours de l’exercice financier 2020-2021. La Première Nation Acho Dene Koe, le gouvernement du territoire d’Akaitcho, le Conseil de gestion des caribous de Beverly et de Qamanirjuaq, la Première Nation Dehcho, la Première Nation Kátł’odeeche, l’Alliance des Métis du Slave Nord, la Nation des Métis des Territoires du Nord-Ouest et la Première Nation de Salt River ont été invités à titre d’observateurs ou de participants aux réunions de la Conférence.

Publication date: 
August 2021
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

The Northwest Territories Environmental Studies Research Fund (ESRF) is a research program established to finance environmental and social studies relating to oil and gas activity in the NWT that will help inform decision making.

  • Seulement en anglais.
Publication date: 
July 2021
Resource Category: 
Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

The Bilateral Management Committee (BMC) has released this Annual Water Quality Report as a component of the 2016-2017 Alberta (AB)-Northwest Territories (NWT) BMC Annual Report to Ministers. The report presents an assessment of the water quality data collected in the 2016 calendar year and the cooperative efforts of the AB-NWT water quality technical team in the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

  • En anglais seulement
Publication date: 
June 2020
Resource Category: 
Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Water, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

The 2017 Alberta-NWT Transboundary Water Quantity Technical Report provides an overview of 2017 water quantity data in the Hay and Slave River basins. Total annual streamflow in the Slave River in 2017 was slightly above average (105% of normal) while total annual flow in the Hay River was lower than average (46% of normal). On the Slave River annual consumptive use was well below 2 billion m3 , at 1.03 billion m3 . The pre-defined threshold of 2 billion m3 remained at 1.9% of the long term mean annual streamflow. On the Hay River, the total volume of groundwater and surface water licences exceeded 2.5% of the natural flows at the border in November, December, February, and March. This exceeded Trigger 1 and prompted analysis of Trigger 2. Actual water use was less than 1% of the natural flow at the border in all months, which was lower than the Trigger 2 threshold of 4% and also lower than the interim objective of 5%.

  • En anglais seulement.
Publication date: 
June 2020
Resource Category: 
Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Water, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

The Bilateral Management Committee (BMC) releases a water quality report as a component of the annual reporting requirements of the Alberta-Northwest Territories Bilateral Water Management Agreement (AB-NWT BWMA) each year. This is the third water quality report since the signing of the Agreement in 2015. It presents an assessment of the water quality data collected in the 2017 calendar year and the cooperative efforts of the AB-NWT water quality technical team in the 2017-2018 fiscal year. 

  • En anglais seulement
Publication date: 
June 2020
Resource Category: 
Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Water, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

Depuis le 1er juillet 2019, en vertu des règlements relatifs à la Loi sur la faune des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (TNO), de nouvelles restrictions s’appliquent à l’importation de cerfs vivants et de certaines parties de cerfs provenant d’animaux abattus.

Publication date: 
July 2019
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

Starting July 1, 2019, new restrictions on importing live deer and specific deer parts from harvested animals came into effect under the Northwest Territories (NWT) Wildlife Act regulations.

Publication date: 
July 2019
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

Rapport version provisoire ''Ce que nous avons entendu'' sur le plan sur l'air de répartition du caribou de Bathurst, juin 2019.

Publication date: 
June 2019
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 

Draft Bathurst Caribou Range Plan – What We Heard, June 2019

Publication date: 
June 2019
Resource Category: 
Conservation planning, Hunting, trapping and harvesting, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, Monitoring, Research and data, Wildlife and nature
Resource Type: 
Reports and Studies
Type of resource: 