Programs and Services

Information about monitoring and the development of a regulatory framework for air quality in the Northwest Territories.
Information on management, distribution and reporting a sighting of amphibians and reptiles in the NWT.
Apply for a permit to burn outside of municipal limits.
A commercial land lease is required for business-related activities.
Funding for communities, neighbourhoods, and organizations to run FireSmart events and activities.
Information for hunters including how to get a licence, equipment standards, harvesting in land claim areas.
A land use permit may be required depending on the proposed land use activity. The Department of Environment and Climate Change issues Land Use Permits on Territorial lands in the ISR.
A recreational or cabin lease is required for individuals wishing to build a dwelling not for commercial or industrial purposes.
A residential lease is required for individuals wishing to build a dwelling for residential purposes.
An industrial lease is required for development activities such as: mining operations, oil and gas operations, manufacturing, or fuel storage.
Funding for Local Wildlife Committees and Renewable Resource Councils to offset costs of harvesting activities for their members.
Compensation to traditional harvesters in the NWT for loss or damage to equipment or assets because of natural disasters.
Funding for Indigenous communities in unsettled land claim areas to participate in land and resource management
Information on permits required to pesticide use in the NWT.
Apply for funding to Take a Kid Trapping.
Two annual $5000 scholarships for forestry or wildfire management post-secondary students
Information about permits and licences required to conduct timber operations and activities in the NWT.
Information about licences and permits required in the Northwest Territories (NWT) for wildlife-related businesses.
