Programs and Services

Programs, training, and resources to help people and communities become more wildfire resilient.
Information on preventing and managing spills of harmful substances in the NWT.
The Department has a coordinating role on behalf of the Government of the Northwest Territories for processes related to
Information on all candidate and established protected areas under the Protected Areas Act.
The GNWT issues quarrying permits and quarrying leases on Commissioner’s and Territorial Lands for the purpose of extracting sand, gravel, stone, loam, and other types of granular material.
Recreation management plans provide direction and guidance on how to manage outdoor recreation resources and opportunities in a particular area.
GNWT’s approach for reviewing and updating its management of recreational uses of public land, including cabin leases across the NWT.
Information about description, distribution, habitat and diseases of the red fox in the Northwest Territories.
Fill out these forms to register as a hazardous waste generator or carrier in the NWT.
Register your used oil burner and apply to incinerate waste fuel.
Information on how to register your property to help protect it from wildfire.
Information on how to report a spill in the NWT.
Information on research in the NWT, including how to conduct research and share data.
This will be a plain language workshop for resource management practitioners with an emphasis on how to participate meaningfully in resource co-management processes.
The RMO training program gives participants on the job training, guidance, mentorship, self-directed and formal education and the opportunity to become qualified as an RMO Level II.
Information about small mammals and hare cycles, surveys, protocols, agencies involved and how you can get involved.
Whooping Crane
Information about species at risk in Canada, our responsibility, the federal and territorial Species at Risk acts and stewardship.
