Finding Data and Information
NWT Discovery Portal
The NWT Discovery Portal is the most comprehensive online source for environmental monitoring knowledge in the NWT. The Portal is a search tool you can use to access data, metadata and reports. It includes qualitative and quantitative information, Indigenous knowledge, baseline studies and monitoring, as well as scientific research. The Portal may also contain monitoring information generated through land-use planning, project-specific environmental impact assessments, and regulatory processes. The easiest way to find project results is by searching for the NWT CIMP project ID number in the NWT Discovery Portal.
- List of projects and their associated NWT CIMP project ID numbers--(example, CIMP161)
Inventory of Landscape Change Webviewer
The Inventory of Landscape Change Webviewer provides access to view and download multiple disturbance datasets. Data includes layers such as human development, forest fires and watershed boundaries. Disturbance layers are kept up-to-date and new layers are regularly added.
An up-to-date inventory of disturbances and other changes on the landscape provides the foundation for monitoring and assessing cumulative impacts. It is also a critical piece to the success of regulatory environmental assessment, wildlife and habitat management, forest management planning, and cumulative effects management and modeling.
This information benefits northern decision-makers by providing a picture of current and historic development that has occurred in the NWT.
Mackenzie DataStream
The Mackenzie DataStream is an online, open access platform for sharing and exploring water data in the Mackenzie River Basin. Beginning in 2016, all data from NWT CIMP-funded water quality projects is available on the Mackenzie DataStream.