Programs and Services
A commercial land lease is required for business-related activities.
A land use permit may be required depending on the proposed land use activity. The Department of Environment and Climate Change issues Land Use Permits on Territorial lands in the ISR.
A recreational or cabin lease is required for individuals wishing to build a dwelling not for commercial or industrial purposes.
A residential lease is required for individuals wishing to build a dwelling for residential purposes.
An industrial lease is required for development activities such as: mining operations, oil and gas operations, manufacturing, or fuel storage.
Lease rent payments are due annually on the anniversary of the start date of the surface disposition.
Make a payment on your account with the GNWT
The GNWT issues quarrying permits and quarrying leases on Commissioner’s and Territorial Lands for the purpose of extracting sand, gravel, stone, loam, and other types of granular material.