Programs and Services
Funding for communities, neighbourhoods, and organizations to run FireSmart events and activities.
Funding for Local Wildlife Committees and Renewable Resource Councils to offset costs of harvesting activities for their members.
Compensation to traditional harvesters in the NWT for loss or damage to equipment or assets because of natural disasters.
Funding for Indigenous communities in unsettled land claim areas to participate in land and resource management
Two annual $5000 scholarships for forestry or wildfire management post-secondary students
Learn about how to get increased incentives for harvesting wolves in the new North Slave Wolf Harvest Area.
Provides Northwest Territories trappers with access to the international fur auction market for fur harvested in the NWT
NWT CIMP coordinates conducts and funds research and reporting about the environment in the NWT.
Information on the Take a Family on the Land Program offered by the GNWT.
Programs and services to support NWT trappers and harvesters.