

Spill Occurance Date Spill Region Location Location Description Product Spilled Quantitysort ascending Measurement Spill Cause Lead Agency
spill-2008029 February 2, 2008 North Slave Snap Lake Adjacent Fuel Module at 12M Litre Tank Farm Wastewater (sewage, mine tailings) 1000000.00 Liters Pipe Leaks CIRNAC - Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
spill-2003420 June 7, 2003 North Slave Giant North of Former Assay Lab Wastewater (sewage, mine tailings) 1000000.00 Liters Pipe Leaks CIRNAC - Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
spill-2020105 April 19, 2020 North Slave Behchokö, Community, Northwest Territories Lagoon Wastewater (sewage, mine tailings) 1000000.00 Liters Breakage GNWT - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
spill-2011294 July 18, 2011 Kitikmeot Newmont Doris North, Sediment and Pollution Control Ponds, Hope Bay NU Wastewater (sewage, mine tailings) 945000.00 Liters Overflow Event CIRNAC - Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
spill-2017325 August 18, 2017 North Slave Diavik Diavik Diamond Mine Wastewater (sewage, mine tailings) 890000.00 Liters Pipe Leaks
spill-2003120 February 26, 2003 North Slave Yellowknife Lift Station #6 Bagon Dr./Deh Cho Bvd. Wastewater (sewage, mine tailings) 800000.00 Liters Other CIRNAC - Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
spill-1981029 Beaufort Delta Camp Farewell Between Inuvik & Tuk Petroleum - waste oil (slops, sludge) 798596.00 Liters Deliberate Discharge CIRNAC - Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
spill-2015510 December 23, 2015 Baffin Iqaluit Nikku Lane and Queen Elizabeth Way Wastewater (sewage, mine tailings) 750000.00 Liters Breakage GN - Government of Nunavut
spill-2015103 March 17, 2015 North Slave Ekati EKATI Diamond Mine Other 700000.00 Liters Breakage
spill-1996145 July 30, 1996 Baffin Nanisivik East Adit Water Treatment Plant Wastewater (sewage, mine tailings) 685300.00 Liters Deliberate Discharge CIRNAC - Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
