August 16, 2011 - The Government of the Northwest Territories, in partnership with the Governments of Nunavut and Yukon, is proud to host the 2011 Arctic Ungulate Conference in Yellowknife from Aug. 22 to 26. This will be the 13th international conference.
August 12, 2011 - To support residents in the stop smoking challenge, Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT’s) will be available to all NWT smokers and smoking cessation prescription drugs will be covered under NWT health care benefits, Health and Social Services (HSS) Minister Mil
August 12, 2011 - Canadian and U.S. Legislators and business leaders will meet at the Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) Capital Visit and Arctic Caucus in Yellowknife.
August 12, 2011 - On today’s show:
Let’s have a barbecue! We’re making a healthy meal with Territorial Nutritionist Elsie DeRoose and Chief Environmental Health Officer Duane Fleming.
August 10, 2011 - Premier Floyd K. Roland has accepted the resignation of Ms. Paddy Meade from her position as Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services effective September 23, 2011.
August 9, 2011 - The Honourable Ted Menzies, Minister of State (Finance), on behalf of the Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, was joined today by the Honourable Bob McLeod, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment for the Government
Funding supports economic opportunities for Yellowknife Airport
August 8, 2011 - For July 2011, Statistics Canada estimates that 23,200 out of 32,100 residents 15 years of age and older were employed in the Northwest Territories, representing an employment rate of 72.3%.
August 5, 2011 - Hours of operation of the Arctic Red River ferry at km. 143 Dempster Highway will be extended from Tuesday August 9 to Thursday August 11 to accommodate highway travellers attending the Gwich’in Annual General Meeting in Tsiigehtchic.