
octobre 3, 2017
Déclarations et discours de ministres

Delivered October 3, 2017

Mr. Speaker, since 2013, September 30th has been marked as Orange Shirt Day, a day for all Canadians to remember the survivors of the residential school system.

mai 20, 2016
Communiqués de presse

Yellowknife, le 20 mai 2016 – Le premier ministre Bob McLeod a annoncé aujourd’hui les changements suivants à la haute direction de la fonction publique ténoise :

juin 8, 2015
Communiqués de presse

YELLOWKNIFE (June 8, 2015) – A delegation from the Northwest Territories will travel to Europe from June 7-12, 2015 to promote the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link (MVFL) to potential international clients and customers.