Mr. Speaker, securing funding to advance planning and construction of new transportation corridors is a key commitment in this government’s mandate.
Mr. Speaker, the Government of the Northwest Territories is following through on its mandate commitment to strengthen connections with public and private sector partners in transportation infrastructure.
Check against delivery
Good afternoon, and thank you for being here today.
Mr. Speaker, the Government of the Northwest Territories made a mandate commitment during this Legislative Assembly to continue to develop and advance initiatives to displace diesel generation in the NWT including advancing the Taltson Hydroelectricity Expansion project.
Mr. Speaker, the Government of the Northwest Territories has made a mandate commitment to implement the 2030 Energy Strategy.
Check against Delivery
Mr. Speaker, this summer an important step towards the Government of the Northwest Territories’ commitment to secure funding for new priority transportation corridors in the Northwest Territories was achieved.
Check Against Delivery
Check Against Delivery
Mr. Speaker, our government is following through on its commitment to invest in transportation infrastructure by strengthening connections with our federal partners.
Delivered on September 10, 2018
Check against delivery
Delivered on May 31, 2018