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Wolf Notes Newsletter Winter 1998 1999
Wolf Notes Newsletter Winter 1998 1999 (pdf/278.57 KB)
Guidelines on the proper management of waste solvents, a contaminant that must be managed as a hazardous waste.
Management of Waste Solvents (pdf/19.66 KB)
Guidelines for the proper management of waste paint, a contaminant that must be managed as hazardous waste.
Management of Waste Paint (pdf/21.82 KB)
Guidelines for the proper management of waste batteries, a contaminant that must be managed as a hazardous waste.
Management of Waste Batteries (pdf/20.4 KB)
Guidelines for the proper management of waste antifreeze.
Management of Waste Antifreeze (pdf/19.5 KB)
A newsletter on grizzly bear studies in the Central Arctic, Spring/Summer Issue 1998. Editors - Dean Cluff and Phil McLoughlin.
Bear Tracks Newsletter Spring/Summer 1998 (pdf/367.38 KB)
Wolf Notes Newsletter Summer 1998
Wolf Notes Newsletter Summer 1998 (pdf/977 KB)
Annual Report to the West Kitikmeot Slave Study: Investigation of Aquatic Impacts of On-Ice Exploratory Diamond Drilling: Data Report for the Water Quality Component May 19, 1998 Submitted by Anne Wilson
WKSS_Aquatic_Impacts_Report_1998.pdf (pdf/250.12 KB)
Annual Report: Traditional Knowledge Study on Community Health Community-Based Monitoring (Cycle One)
WKSS_Community_Based_Monitoring_1998.pdf (pdf/1.36 MB)
Liard River Environmental Quality Monitoring Program – Summary Report 1998
Liard River Environmental Quality Monitoring Program – Summary Report 1998 (pdf/185.18 KB)
Lac de Gras Drainage Basin Study 1998
Lac de Gras Drainage Basin Study 1998 (pdf/678 KB)
West Kitikmeot Slave Study: Effect of Gravel Road and Tailing Pond Dust on Tundra Plant Communities near Lupin Mine, NWT. (1998)
WKSS_Tailing_Pond_Dust_Effects_1998.pdf (pdf/72.27 KB)
Coppermine River overview of the hydrology and water quality produced by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada in 1998
Coppermine River Overview of the Hydrology and Water Quality 1998 (pdf/1.03 MB)
Slave River Environmental Quality Monitoring Program - Report Summary 1998
Slave River Environmental Quality Monitoring Program - Report Summary - 1998 (pdf/161.96 KB)
An activity book for children and students about wildlife conservation and the wise use of our natural resources.
Let's Go Hunting (pdf/2.79 MB)
An activity book for children and students about the importance of respecting the fish and wildlife of the NWT.
Let's Go Fishing (pdf/1.55 MB)