Boards currently accepting applications
The following boards are looking for members:
- Inuvialuit Environmental Impact Screening Committee
- Inuvialuit Water Board
- NWT Surface Rights Board - members should be residents of the following regions:
- Inuvik or the Northwest Territories portion of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR)
- Gwich’in Settlement Area
- Sahtu Settlement Area
- Mowhi Gogha Dè Niitlèè
How do I apply?
Fill out the application form and submit along with your resume via email or mail.
Board Appointments
Department of Environment and Climate Change
Government of the Northwest Territories
PO Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 2L9
Public boards play an important role, from providing advice to government to managing public programs. For the public boards to fulfill their mandate, they must be made up of members who are qualified for the position and are committed to undertake the work of the board.
The role of boards in land, water, and natural resource management in the NWT
Natural resource management in the Northwest Territories is an integrated system composed of land use planning, environmental impact assessment, regulatory approvals, cumulative impact monitoring and dispute resolution. Land, Water and Resource management and advisory boards, together with the Surface Rights Board, are an integral part of an efficient and coordinated natural resource management system.
Land resource and self-government agreements, the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA) and the Waters Act (WA) require the participation of federal and territorial governments, and Indigenous governments and organizations on boards.
The GNWT’s role in public boards
The Government of the Northwest Territories is responsible for making nominations or appointments to a variety of public committees, boards and councils (public boards). These public boards have been created through legislation, intergovernmental agreements, or government policy. Appointments are made by Cabinet, the Commissioner in Executive Council or the responsible Minister
Apply for a board
The department of ECC currently accepts applications for several memberships on the various land, water and resource management boards across the NWT.
Learn about board roles, time commitments, and per diems:
- Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board
- Gwich'in Land and Water Board
- Gwich’in Land Use Planning Board
- Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board
- Independent Environmental Monitoring Agency Board
- Inuvialuit Water Board
- Inuvialuit Environmental Impact Review Board
- Inuvialuit Environmental Impact Screening Committee
- Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
- Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board
- NWT Environmental Studies Research Fund Management Board
- NWT Surface Rights Board
- Sahtu Land and Water Board
- Sahtu Land Use Planning Board
- Sahtu Renewable Resources Board
- Thaidene Nëné Territorial Protected Area Management Board
- Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta Territorial Protected Area Management Board
- Tuktut Nogait National Park Management Board
- Wek'èezhìi Land and Water Board
- Wek'eezhii Renewable Resources Board