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Summary of projects done wildlife research permits in the NWT during 2008.
Wildlife Research Permits Annual Report - NWT - 2008 (pdf/5.45 MB)
PowerPoint presentation to increase knowledge and capacity to prevent impaces of invasive alien species in the NWT.
Risk Assessment of Invasive Alien Species in the NWT - 2008 (pdf/1.78 MB)
Identifies on-going and new actions ENR will undertake during 2008-2012 to meet it's mandate.
ENR Framework for Action 2008-2012 (pdf/772.23 KB)
Annual report of hazardous materials spills in the NWT during 2008.
Spills in the Northwest Territories - Annual Report - 2008 (pdf/1.44 MB)
Ecological Regions of the Northwest Territories - Taiga Shield Ecological Land Classification Report. 2008.
Taiga Shield Ecological Land Classification Report (pdf/8.44 MB)