November 1, 2010 - Gaining northern control over the management and administration of resources is a key reason why the Government of the Northwest Territories is pursuing Devolution, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, J. Michael Miltenberger told Members of the Legislative Assembly today.
“Until Northerners have this control, we are not in a position to determine the pace of development in our Territory,” said Minister Miltenberger. “A Devolution Agreement will give NWT residents the ability to make sure development proceeds in accordance with the principles of environmental protection and sustainability that are so important to all of us.”
The draft Agreement-in-Principle (AiP) respects and protects Aboriginal interests by committing – with associated funding – to negotiate a government-to-government relationship on post-Devolution resource management. The provisions in the AiP commit GNWT and Aboriginal parties to a review of land and resource systems and, where appropriate, recommend changes to these systems and the legislation governing them.
“If we do not proceed with Devolution, the current resource management process will continue to reflect Canada’s national interests first and the Northwest Territories’ second,” Minister Miltenberger said.
For the Minister’s full statement, visit:
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Press Secretary
Office of the Premier/Cabinet
Government of the Northwest Territories
Phone: (867) 669-2302