December 12, 2011 - Mr. Speaker, I rise today to provide Members with an update on the way the NWT Sport and Recreation Council has improved access to quality physical activity, sport, and recreation programs for all NWT residents.
Earlier this fall I met with the NWT Sport and Recreation Council executive to discuss their 2011-2012 funding program. We agreed that while there were some challenges with the process, in general the results were positive. More people are participating, and all sport and recreation organizations received more funding than they did in previous years. And accountability and efficiency standards have been introduced. In the future, we can expect services to improve even further.
Mr. Speaker, we also agreed that improvements to the 2012-2013 funding program should be explained to sport and recreation organizations early so that funding can begin to flow by April 1, 2012.
To facilitate this discussion, the Council will convene a meeting of these organizations early in 2012. We will talk to them about their governance role as mandated by the Department. We will confirm with each organization that they are a valued member of the sector and outline their roles and responsibilities related to the SRC. We will also outline plans for implementing the SRC’s goals and objectives and the new funding model for 2012-2013 and future years.
I will be speaking at the opening of the meeting to clearly state the Department’s goals for the sport, physical activity, and recreation sector in the Northwest Territories.
These goals will improve the health and well-being of residents through increased physical activity, sport and recreation participation, and healthy lifestyle opportunities for NWT youth.
The NWT Sport and Recreation Council funding program for 2012-2013 will also include requirements related to the evaluation of programs and an overall reduction in administration costs.
Mr. Speaker, investing in sport, physical activity, and recreation programs contributes to the health and well-being of all residents. It is important that we continue to invest in these priority areas, and that we provide organizations working with us a clear and concise understanding of the goals that they should be achieving.
I am confident that the NWT Sport and Recreation Council will improve their work in this area and along with their sporting partners continue to make a valuable contribution to the quality of life for residents in the NWT.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.