NWT Water Monitoring Bulletins are posted monthly. These bulletins are intended to provide an update of water flow and level data at select NWT Hydrometric Network gauge stations across the Northwest Territories. Where available, data from river sites are presented as flow (discharge) and data from lake sites are presented as level. When flow data are unavailable, data from river sites are presented as level. The figures in this report represent current conditions for this year, relative to historic minimum and maximum values, as well as the average range, which is calculated as the interquartile range. All 2022 data are considered provisional and may contain values that are later corrected. The NWT Hydrometric Network is a partnership between ENR and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and is operated by the Water Survey of Canada (ECCC). Both historic and real-time data for all stations are available at https://wateroffice.ec.gc.ca/index_e.html.
You can read the October NWT Water Monitoring Bulletin by clicking here
Any questions regarding information contained therein can be directed to NWTWaters@gov.nt.ca.