Wildlife Manuscript Report 189. Larter N.C. and D.G. Allaire. 2009. Aerial Wildlife Survey of the Sambaa K’e Candidate Protected Area, March 2009. 31 pp.
Wildlife Manuscript Report 69. Latour, P. and R. Hagen. 1993. Use of Electric Fencing to Deter Black and Grizzly vears from the Norman Wells Dump. 27 pp.
Wildlife Manuscript Report 156. Bidwell, W.A., J.S. Nishi, T.R. Ellsworth. 2004. Bison Control Area Program Annual Report of Survey Activities 2003-2004. 56 pp.
Wildlife Manuscript Report 214. Greig, R., K. Cox, and H. Sayine-Crawford. 2012. Bison Control Area Program Annual Report of Survey Activities December 2009 - April 2010. 30pp.
Lignes directrices pour présenter une demande dans le cadre du Programme de mesures incitatives pour l'éfficacité énergétique (PMIEE). Réduisez les émissions, empochez les récompenses, économisez l'énergie.
EEIP Application Guidelines - French
Policy statement recognizing aboriginal traditional knowledge is valid and an essential source of information and will be incorporated into GNWT decisions and actions, where appropriate.