About wildlife diseases
Although most wild animals in the Northwest Territories (NWT) are healthy, diseases and parasites can occur in any wildlife population. Some of these diseases can infect people or domestic animals. It is important to regularly assess and monitor disease in wildlife populations so we can take steps to reduce their impact on healthy animals.

Chronic Wasting Disease
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a degenerative, fatal brain disease that affects members of the deer family. CWD has not been detected in any wildlife species in the NWT, nor has it been detected in caribou populations anywhere in North America.
ECC is working with hunters and neighbouring jurisdictions to prevent the spread of CWD into the NWT by encouraging hunters to get harvested deer, moose and caribou tested, and by controlling the import of live deer and high-risk deer parts into the NWT.
For more on CWD, read our FAQ on Chronic Wasting Disease.
Avian Influenza
Also known as ‘bird flu,’ avian influenza is a respiratory disease which naturally occurs in wild birds throughout the world. It is common for migratory waterfowl such as ducks, gulls, geese, and shorebirds to carry and spread these viruses.
Currently, transmission from birds to humans is rare and cases in humans have been relatively mild in nature. There is no evidence to suggest that the consumption of cooked poultry or eggs could transmit avian influenza to humans.
It is considered safe to hunt, handle, and eat healthy wild birds in the NWT.
The following precautions are important when hunting or handling birds:
Wild birds
- Wear gloves when handling birds you’ve harvested.
- Process harvested birds in a well-ventilated area.
- Wash your hands and disinfect your equipment when you’re done.
- Cook your meat to the recommended temperatures (to an internal temperature of at least 165 °F/74 °C).
- Never touch birds or other wildlife that appear sick or are found dead.
- Report any sick or dead birds immediately to your regional Environment and Climate Change office or email WildlifeVeterinarian@gov.nt.ca with details (date, time, location, description).
Symptoms of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in wild birds may include:
- Unusual behaviour, tremors, or lack of coordination
- Swelling around the head, neck, and eyes
- Lack of energy or movement
- Coughing, difficulty breathing, or sneezing
- Diarrhea
- Sudden death
Birds kept for agricultural purposes
- Prevent contact of domestic birds (including their food and water) with wild birds and other animals.
- Limit exposure of domestic birds to visitors.
- Clean your clothing and footwear, coops, waterers, and feeders regularly.
- Limit distribution of live birds, eggs, and other bird products outside of your household.
- If any of your birds begin showing signs of illness, call your veterinarian for an assessment.
- If you suspect a bird in your flock is positive for avian flu, contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency by calling +1 403-338-5225.
- If you must handle sick poultry, wear protective gear, and wash your hands with soap and water. Wash any clothes before contact with healthy domestic poultry.
Symptoms of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in domestic birds may include:
- A drop in production of eggs, many of which are soft-shelled or shell-less
- Diarrhea
- Hemorrhages on the hock
- High and sudden mortality rate
- Quietness and extreme depression
- Swelling of the skin under the eyes
- Wattles and combs become swollen and congested
Precautions for you
- Never touch wild or domestic birds that appear sick or are found dead. Observe healthy birds from a distance.
- If you are hunting wild birds, wear gloves and wash hands frequently while dressing them.
- Disinfect any surfaces and equipment that may be contaminated with saliva, mucous, or feces from wild or domestic birds.
- Clean with hot, soapy water and then use a household disinfectant.
- Wash any contaminated clothes right away.
Symptoms of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in humans may include:
- fever
- cough
- nasal congestion
- shortness of breath
- sore throat
- joint aches
- headache
- eye redness
- weakness
- muscle aches
Rare symptoms may include:
- diarrhea
- nausea
- vomiting
- seizures
If you are experiencing any symptoms, and have been in contact with wild birds or domestic birds showing signs of illness, contact your local health centre for assessment and advise them of your bird exposure.
Wear a mask when around others, use healthy respiratory practices, and perform frequent hand hygiene until further guidance is provided from a health care professional.
Resources on avian flu:
- Avian influenza in wild birds
- Hunter safety and avian influenza
- How to prevent and detect disease in small flocks and pet birds - Canadian Food Inspection Agency (canada.ca)
- Protect your flock from bird flu - Canadian Food Inspection Agency (canada.ca)
- Reporting animal diseases - Canadian Food Inspection Agency (canada.ca)
- Avian Influenza (AI) - What to expect if your animals are infected - Canadian Food Inspection Agency (canada.ca)
Ticks of the Northwest Territories
Ticks are blood-feeding parasites that can live on birds, mammals and reptiles. Ticks are rarely found in the Northwest Territories (NWT) on pets, wildlife or people.
The winter tick (Dermacentor albipictus) has been found on some moose and caribou in the NWT, and can cause hair loss. In cases with a large number of ticks, this can result in “ghost moose” because of severe hair loss. Rabbit ticks (Haemaphysalis leporispalustris) have been observed on snowshoe hares in some parts of the NWT. Occasionally, tick species can be introduced by movement of animals into the territory from other regions (e.g. migratory birds and dogs).
Some tick species can carry pathogens and agents that can cause disease in humans and animals. The risk of becoming infected with the bacterium that causes Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) in the NWT is very low. Tick species capable of carrying this infection are not known to occur in the NWT.
For more information on ticks, download the Ticks of the Northwest Territories brochure or fact sheet.

What to do if you find a tick
On a person: Use appropriate methods to remove it and contact your health care provider or the NWT Department of Health and Social Services at 867.767.9066.
On a pet: Contact your local veterinarian or the Wildlife Health Program of ECC at 867-767-9237 ext. 53232.
On a wild animal: Contact your local ECC office or the Wildlife Health Program at 867-767-9237 ext.
eTick is now available in the Northwest Territories. Download the app or log onto www.eTick.ca to submit ticks for quick, free identification. This surveillance program helps to monitor the types and distribution of ticks across Canada, and to assess the risk of acquiring tick-borne diseases within the Northwest Territories.
Rabies is a zoonotic (can transfer between animals and humans) infection caused by a virus which spreads through the saliva of infected animals. It affects the brain and central nervous system in both mammals and humans. All warm-blooded mammals and birds can be infected. In the Northwest Territories (NWT), Arctic foxes are regularly infected with the disease.
Rabies can be fatal for humans and signs of infection can be undetectable for weeks or months after contracting the infection.
You can get rabies if you are bitten or licked by an infected animal or if saliva from an infected animal comes into contact with your skin, eyes, nose, lips, cuts or scratches.
To raise awareness about rabies and how it can be contracted, a children’s book describing how rabies can be passed from animals to humans has been developed for the NWT. Tatqiaq Learns About Rabies tells the story of a little girl from Sachs Harbour who learns about rabies after her dogs encounter a fox in the wild. The book, written by Dr. Hugh Whitney, is available in English, Inuvialuktun and French and has been distributed across the NWT as an educational resource. More information on rabies can be found in A Field Guide to Common Wildlife Diseases and Parasites in the Northwest Territories.
Hunters should look for signs of sickness in an animal before they shoot, such as:
- poor condition (weak, sluggish, thin, or lame)
- swellings or lumps, hair loss, blood, or discharges from the nose or mouth
- abnormal behaviour (loss of fear of people, aggressiveness)
If you shoot a sick animal
- Do not cut into diseased parts.
- Wash your hands, knives and clothes in hot soapy water after you've finished cutting up and skinning the animal and disinfect with a weak bleach solution.
- If meat from an infected animal can be eaten, make sure you take the proper precautions to handle and prepare the meat.
- Do not feed parts of infected animals to dogs.
- It is important to report all wildlife diseases.
When collecting sample, make sure you
- Wear rubber gloves to protect yourself.
- Place each sample in a separate plastic bag.
- Unless otherwise noted, samples should be submitted frozen or kept cool.
- Record the following information:
- Date and location collected
- Type of animal
- Sex and estimated age of the animal
- Description of the sample
- Any other conditions that may be important (e.g. unusual weather, signs of a struggle)
A sample kit is available from your local or regional Environment and Climate Change office. It contains a disease form you can use to record your information.
Field Guide to Wildlife Diseases
Although most wild animals in the NWT are healthy, diseases and parasites can occur in any wildlife population. Some of these diseases can infect people or domestic animals. It is important to regularly monitor and assess diseases in wildlife populations so we can take steps to reduce their impact on healthy animals and people. The information in this field guide should help hunters to:
- recognize sickness in an animal before they shoot
- identify a disease or parasite in an animal they have killed
- know how to protect themselves from infection
- help wildlife agencies monitor wildlife disease and parasites
The diseases in this field guide are grouped according to where they are most often seen in the body of the animal: skin, head, liver, lungs, muscle, and general.
Quarterly report of the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative
The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) is a collection of highly qualified people within a cross-Canada network of partners and collaborators dedicated to wildlife health. It includes internationally renowned wildlife disease diagnosticians and researchers, experts in population health, skilled educators and experienced policy advisors.
The CWHC is dedicated to generating knowledge needed to assess and manage wildlife health and working with others to make sure knowledge is put to use in a timely fashion. It issues a quarterly report on wildlife disease and health.
More information
For more information on wildlife diseases, contact your local Renewable Resource Officer, Regional Biologist or the GNWT Wildlife Disease Specialist.