Emergency Evacuee Relief Program

Application Process

One application may be used for individuals or households. Please note that a household includes spouses and dependents (including adult dependents) only. For household applications, you must answer all questions asked for each individual on the application and provide all required supporting documents.

The evacuee registration portal contains personal information that can only be used with express consent from the individual who owns the information.


Payment for all individuals listed on this application will be made to the account of the primary applicant.

Documents needed

Please ensure you have all the necessary documents ready to show the following:

  • Proof of Identification: driver’s licence, passport, Native Status Card, etc.
  • Proof of residency: Driver’s licence, utility bill, bank statement, etc.
  • Proof of dependency: such as CRA online profile (which lists dependents); birth certificate; baptismal certificate; other custody documents, etc.

For more options for proof of ID and residency, visit the GNWT DMV.

Please select the community you are evacuating from.