$502 million Capital Estimates Approved

News Releases

Yellowknife — December 14, 2021

Infrastructure projects play a significant role in the economic activity of the Northwest Territories. These Estimates inject money into the economy and provide business and employment opportunities for residents, while delivering the critical infrastructure the NWT needs to provide important programs and services.

Members of the Legislative Assembly approved the $502 million Capital Estimates for the 2022-23 fiscal year. This includes money for critical infrastructure projects in communities across the NWT. This budget includes additional investment in schools, housing, airport infrastructure and roads.

These projects will allow NWT businesses to generate revenue and jobs for NWT residents. Infrastructure spending continues to be an important way the GNWT helps the territory recover from the economic effects of COVID-19.

Every year, the GNWT invests in infrastructure like public housing units, schools and health centres that help us serve NWT residents. The GNWT also invests in improvements and upgrades to transportation infrastructure like roads and airports that connect our people and communities.

The timing of approval of the 2022-2023 Capital Estimates provides a planning period for both departments and contractors. This planning period is intended to facilitate the procurement process and accommodate the relatively short summer construction period in the Northwest Territories.

The Capital Estimates include $216.2 million in support from the Government of Canada through various infrastructure programs, including $65.9 million from the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Plan, $60.9 million from the National Trade Corridors Fund, $41.2 million from the Department of National Defence, $20 million from the Building Canada Plan, $14.2 million from the Airport Capital Assistance Program and $11.5 million from the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund.


“By investing in infrastructure projects, we are investing in the lives and livelihoods of Northerners. Investments like these serve to bridge the substantial infrastructure gap in the NWT and improve the health and well-being of residents while laying the groundwork for economic growth and private sector investment. Infrastructure investment also supports the territory’s economic recovery, by creating jobs for our residents, offering opportunities for Northern businesses and injecting much-needed capital into our communities.  These are critical steps in ensuring we emerge from this pandemic with a strong economy and healthy communities.”

- Caroline Wawzonek, Minister of Finance

Infrastructure Plan Highlights:

  • $150.2 million for highways, winter roads, bridges and culverts including $36.2 million to advance the environmental and planning work for the Mackenzie Valley and Slave Geological Province All-season roads, $23.5 million for the Great Bear River Bridge and $16.9 million for the Mount Gaudet Access Road;
  • $84.1 million for airport and runway projects, including $41.2 million for the Inuvik Airport runway extension;
  • $47.4 million for long term care facilities, health centres, improvements to health information systems, and biomedical equipment;
  • $21.7 million for the replacement and renovations to existing schools;
  • $29 million in continued funding to support community governments with their infrastructure needs.

Quick facts

  • The GNWT’s plan for infrastructure spending is called the “Capital Estimates”.
  • The GNWT’s plan for operations spending is called the “Main Estimates”. The Main estimates will be debated by MLAs in the winter session.
  • Combined, the Capital Estimates and the Main Estimates make up the GNWT’s budget.
  • To learn more about the budget, see the budget cycle and development process, and How the Budget Works.

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For media requests, please contact:

Todd Sasaki

Senior Communications Officer

Department of Finance

Government of the Northwest Territories
