Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services Resigns

News Releases

August 10, 2011 - Premier Floyd K. Roland has accepted the resignation of Ms. Paddy Meade from her position as Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services effective September 23, 2011.

The Premier, along with Minister of Health and Social Services Michael Miltenberger thanked Ms. Meade for her efforts to make long-term improvements to the NWT health and social services system. Ms Meade was instrumental in the ongoing implementing of A Foundation for Change, the Government of the Northwest Territories’ plan for creating a sustainable and effective health and social services system that will meet the needs of NWT residents into the future.

“We will miss the leadership and hard work that Ms. Meade has brought to her position at Health and Social Services,” Premier Roland said. “Her commitment to improve the health and social services system our residents rely on has been invaluable and leaves the Government of the Northwest Territories well-positioned to build on her improvements in coming years.”

Ms. Debbie DeLancey will fill the position Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services until the next Premier appoints a permanent replacement. Ms. DeLancey’s previous appointments with the GNWT include Deputy Minister of Human Resources, Deputy Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs and Associate Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services.

For more information:
James MacKenzie
Media Liaison
Office of the Premier and Executive Council
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 669-2302
Fax: (867) 873-0111