The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has received the required permits from the City of Yellowknife for the occupancy and use of the day shelter at the former visitor centre site. With the approval of these permits, the local State of Emergency in Yellowknife will no longer be required and will be discontinued, effective March 3, 2022.
This facility will continue to offer day sheltering services to residents and will retain the same capacity.
Between the temporary day shelter and the sobering centre, the NTHSSA will provide essential services to homeless and under housed individuals in Yellowknife.
The Government of the Northwest Territories would like to thank all the partners who have made this facility possible and to Yellowknifers who supported, and continue to support, our work in addressing homelessness.
For media requests, please contact:
Jeremy Bird
Manager, Communications
Department of Health and Social Services
Government of the Northwest Territories
(867) 767-9052 ext. 49034