Have Your Say on proposed dental hygienist profession regulations

Public Service Announcement

Yellowknife — September 12, 2024

The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is seeking feedback from dental hygienists, stakeholders, and the public on proposed Dental Hygienist Profession Regulations.

The proposed regulations aim to move the regulation of the dental hygienist profession from the Dental Auxiliaries Act to the Health and Social Services Professions Act, the “umbrella” Act that intends to support a comprehensive and consistent framework for the regulation of all health and social services professionals in the Northwest Territories.

This approach will foster improved access to medical services and aligns us with national standards, while also broadening the scope of practice for dental hygienists.

Key proposed amendments include:

  • The removal of the dentist supervision requirement
  • A general and expanded scope category for registration
  • A less restrictive general scope of practice for dental hygienists

Dental hygienists, stakeholders, and the public are invited to provide feedback by emailing dhssregs_feedback@gov.nt.ca by October 14, 2024. For more information, please read the following Key Elements Document.


For media requests, please contact:

Andrew Wind
Manager, Communications
Health and Social Services
Government of the Northwest Territories
(867) 767-9052 ext. 49034