Check against delivery
Mr. Speaker, today I want to share some details about a new initiative led by the
Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission, called Safe Workplace. Launched this year in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories, Safe Workplace is a health and safety program that recognizes employers for their workplace safety performance and helps others identify areas to improve.
As part of the program, every year, employers must file their annual payroll numbers with the WSCC and complete a health and safety questionnaire. This year, the deadline for sending that information to the WSCC is today, February 28.
To qualify, employers must meet criteria based on legislated requirements under the Workers’ Compensation Act, Safety Act and Mine Health and Safety Act. Employers accredited by a third-party occupational health and safety program in the NWT are considered an “Advanced Safe workplace”.
Safe Workplace employers are listed on WSCC’s website and receive a “Safe Workplace” or “Advanced Safe Workplace” certificate and digital badge to display at their worksite or on their website and print materials.
Mr. Speaker, employers play a very important role in protecting the health and safety of workers. I encourage every employer and business owner to participate fully in the Safe Workplace program so that health and safety becomes a number one priority in every single workplace across the territory.
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.