Paulie Chinna: Partnerships and Innovation Successes

Ministers' Statements and Speeches

Yellowknife — November 29, 2021

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Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise today to celebrate the award recently announced for the K’asho Got’ınę Housing Society in my home community of Fort Good Hope. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation “Gold Roof Award for Knowledge to Action” was presented to the dedicated team representing the K’asho Got’ınę Housing Society.

This award recognizes the work the K’asho Got’ınę Housing Society has done in developing its own housing repair and maintenance program and includes a $10,000 contribution to help the Society continue its good work.

Mr. Speaker, this is an example of how communities can take a leadership role in increasing housing in partnership with the NWT Housing Corporation. It demonstrates the effectiveness of collaboration and capacity building in the efforts to tackle the housing crisis’ in our Northern remote communities. The success of the K’asho Got’ınę and the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation is paving the way for the implementation of the Strategic Renewal.

Prior to this award, the NWT Housing Corporation had been working in partnership with the K’asho Got’ınę Housing Society on this repair program, through the Housing Corporation’s Community Housing Support Program. This shows what we can do when we work with our community partners and respond together to the locally identified, specific needs in a given community. This partnership began with a community housing plan, for which the Housing Corporation provided funding and progressed on from there.

Mr. Speaker, when Premier Cochrane was Minister Responsible for the NWT Housing Corporation, she attended a town hall meeting in Fort Good Hope where it was noted that many residents had trouble accessing Housing Corporation’s repair programs. It was during that visit that NWT Housing Corporation staff proposed that the K’asho Got’ınę Housing Society develop its own community repair program that would allow the K’asho Got’ınę Housing Society to select program participants and provide training opportunities for building trades helpers and apprentices. The Government of the Northwest Territories heard the needs of the community and acted, in partnership with the community, to address those needs.

The NWT Housing Corporation is also working with the K’asho Got’ınę Housing Society on Men’s Transitional Housing Initiative. The men’s transition home program mandate is to “provide unique programming for men who are homeless or insecurely housed, through a holistic approach that is strongly rooted in Dene and Métis culture”. Given the award-winning track record of the K’asho Got’ınę Housing Society, I would not be surprised to be standing here again to talk about a future award they may receive, for this program.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to use this opportunity to express our appreciation to the commitment and dedication of K’asho Got’ıne Housing Society and look forward in building our partnership to address housing needs for all Fort Good Hope residents. Your tireless work provides a model for other communities.

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.