Paulie Chinna: Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission Safety Certificate Course for Young Workers

Ministers' Statements and Speeches

Yellowknife — March 28, 2022

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Mr. Speaker, today I am very pleased to share details of a Safety Certificate Training Course for new and young workers available through the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission.

Workplace accidents and injuries happen to employees in various professions and age groups, but younger workers with less experience are often at greater risk of getting hurt. The Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission has developed a 2-hour interactive online course that will give young workers the basic knowledge they need to help start their working lives safely.

The course training covers the rights and responsibilities of all workers and includes important safety topics that are useful for youth, including safety while working on the land. When they complete the course, they will receive a certificate.

There are also useful course guides available to help teachers, instructors and anyone working with youth to help them prepare for their first job.  

The training course and instructors’ guide are available at no cost on the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission website.

Employees play a very important role in promoting and maintaining safe and healthy workplaces. By educating employees on workplace safety when they are young, we are helping to build a safer, healthier, and more efficient workforce for the future.

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.