September 30, 2011 - Oct. 1-7 is World Breastfeeding Week. In the NWT, events are being sponsored, by a number of partners, to encourage new parents to breastfeed.
In Yellowknife, the 2011 Breastfeeding Challenge will take place:
Where: Northern United Place
When: 10:00am-11:30am Oct. 1, 2011 (Saturday)
Along with the Department of Health and Social Services and Regional Health and Social Services Authorities, several organizations work towards the protection, education, promotion and support of breastfeeding in the NWT. They include the NWT Breastfeeding Committee, the Yellowknife Breastfeeding Support Group: Moms, Boobs and Babies and the Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP).
The Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) supports breastfeeding moms in many ways. Many moms consider weaning early because they need to go back to work or they think they can't work breastfeeding into their lifestyle.
“We provide participants with breast pumps so that they can store their milk for future use says Diana Trang, CPNP Nutritionist, Beaufort Delta and Sahtu Health and Social Services Authorities, “That way, their baby still gets all the benefits of breast milk and moms still have flexibility.”
The Stanton Territorial Hospital Authority supports breastfeeding as a best practice for Moms. “Breast milk is the ideal food for newborns and infants. It is safe, gives babies the nutrients they need for healthy development and contains antibodies that help protect infants from common childhood illnesses,” says Carla Skauge, Prenatal Coordinator, Northern Women’s Health Program, Stanton Territorial Hospital. Breastfeeding is also a preventative approach to childhood obesity.
The Stanton Territorial Hospital is working to join hospitals and health facilities around the world as a recognized baby-friendly facility. Training will be offered to staff this year as one of the steps to achieving this long-term goal.
For more information on the advantages of breastfeeding, visit the Department of Health and Social Services at:, or
For more information, contact:
Dorothy Westerman
Health and Social Services
Tel: (867) 920-3373