Yellowknife Liquor Service Survey Results

News Releases

December 15, 2010 - Results from the 2010 Yellowknife Liquor Service Survey indicate that most residents are satisfied with the convenience, selection and service of the liquor stores, but are dissatisfied with the prices.

The survey’s purpose was to assess satisfaction with the liquor service in Yellowknife based on convenience, selection, service and prices. Yellowknifers were asked for their opinions on the appropriate number and types of liquor stores for the city, and information was requested on their liquor purchases.

A total survey response rate of 16% was achieved. Among those who responded, price was rated the most important criteria, with 64% of the respondents expressing dissatisfaction. High satisfaction levels, in the 90% range, were reported for convenience, selection and service.

The majority of respondents (71%) reported making liquor purchases in other provinces and territories within the last year and responses indicate that Yellowknife residents are purchasing a significant amount of liquor elsewhere.

Most respondents (69%) thought that two stores were sufficient and their response to the question, “if a specialty store would be appropriate” was evenly split.

The Northwest Territories Liquor Commission plans to issue Requests for Proposals to replace the Yellowknife liquor store contracts set to expire in 2012. This is expected to include a request for both a consignment store and a private store. The competition provided by this model will allow Yellowknifers to enjoy prices more in line with other NWT communities while also encouraging selection and creativity which is the strength of private sector.

For more information, contact:

Kyle Reid
General Manager, NWT Liquor Commission
Tel: (867) 874-8702