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Application form to incinerate waste fuel - fillable PDF form
Incinerate waste fuel Application Form (pdf/174.69 KB)
Records form for used oil and waste fuel - fillable PDF form
Used oil and waste fuel Records Form (pdf/233.77 KB)
Evaluation form to determine funding for the Waste Reduction and Recycling Initiative (WRRI).
Waste Reduction and Recycling Initiative Evaluation Form (pdf/218.51 KB)
Form for registering your property in the NWT boreal forest as a value at risk from wildland fire.
Values at Risk Registration Form (pdf/287.22 KB)
Single-use Retail Bag Program Retailer Reporting Form SRBP
Single-use Retail Bag Program Retailer Reporting Form (xls/162 KB)
The Single Use Retail Bag Program (SRBP) requires distributors to submit quarterly reports.
Single-use Retail Bag Program Quarterly Reporting Form (xls/115 KB)
Single-use Retail Bag Program Distributor Application Form (pdf/43.91 KB)
Beverage Container Program (BCP) distributor monthly reporting form (BCP1A)
Distributor Monthly Reporting Form (BCP1A) (xlsx/52.42 KB)
Poster providing basic information on size, landscape, vegetation and wildlife found in the Arctic Islands Ecozone.
Arctic Islands Ecozone Poster (pdf/4.9 MB)
Recycling activities and projects for K - 8 students.
Recycling Activities and Projects (pdf/4.5 MB)
Cards illustrating and providing information of some of the most easily recognized trees, shrubs, herbs, fungi, birds and animals in the boreal forest.
Boreal Forest Component Card (pdf/2.72 MB)
A boy goes on his first seal hunt with his father.
My First Seal Hunt (pdf/63.16 KB)
Wildlife File Report 113. Aspects of the Polar Bear Harvest in the NWT, Canada
Aspects of the Polar Bear Harvest in the NWT, Canada (pdf/1.76 MB)
A summary of best practice for applying Traditional Knowledge in GNWT programs and services.
Best Practices for Applying Traditional Knowledge (pdf/137.99 KB)
Application form for a beverage container processing centre licence.
Beverage Container Processing Centre Licence Application Form (pdf/28.1 KB)
Plain language summary of how the Beverage Container Program Works
How the Beverage Container Program Works (pdf/294.18 KB)
Application form for a beverage container depot licence.
Beverage Container Depot Licence Application Form (pdf/43.17 KB)
Information on setting up and operating a community beverage container depot, including suggested minimum hours of operation.
Setting Up and Operating a Community Beverage Container Depot (pdf/2.23 MB)
How to Prepare Beverage Containers for Recycling - Poster
How to Prepare Beverage Containers for Recycling - Poster (pdf/1.5 MB)
Tranportation approval/claim form for processing centres.
Process Centre Transportation Approval/Claim Form (BCP3) (pdf/21.82 KB)