Climate Change


Collaborative efforts and partnerships are the key to achieving the vision and goals outlined in the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework.

Current GNWT partnerships include:

Pan-territorial Adaptation Partnership

During the 2009 Northern Premiers’ Forum, the Governments of Nunavut, the Northwest Territories (NWT) and Yukon agreed to work together on climate change, with a focus on practical adaptation measures. Following this forum, the three governments developed the Pan-Territorial Adaptation Strategy: Moving Forward on climate Change Adaptation in Canada’s North, released in 2011. This strategy identified opportunities for further collaboration between the three territories and resulted in the formation of the Pan-Territorial Adaptation Partnership.

The partnership provides a professional network and dialogue between the three territorial governments and allows the sharing of ideas, resources and capacity across northern Canada. This collaboration has resulted in several individual territorial adaptation projects and larger initiatives, such as the Pan-territorial Permafrost Workshop.

Arctic Energy Alliance

The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has a longstanding partnership with the Arctic Energy Alliance (AEA). With the support of the GNWT, AEA continues to administer and deliver many energy conservation, energy efficiency and alternative energy programs throughout the NWT. Since 2018, AEA has been a key partner in implementing the 2030 Energy Strategy.

Under 2 Coalition

As of September 2015, the GNWT has been a member of the Under 2 Coalition. This international, non-binding agreement sets a target for subnational governments to act to limit global average warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. To accomplish this target, subnational governments must strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with the goal of limiting them to less than 2 tonnes per person by 2050.

The Under 2 Coalition uses the Compact of States and Regions, an online reporting platform, to allow subnational governments to report on targets, policies and emissions reductions.