Trappers Grubstake Program
In this section
This program is designed to support and offset some start-up seasonal costs for trappers.
Funding available
The amount of funding is determined by the numbers of your previous year’s pelt. Unsellable furs are not accepted.
Payments will be issued directly to eligible trappers.
This program is open all year.
Individuals who hold a valid Northwest Territories (NWT) General Hunting Licence, Special Trapping License, and/or beneficiaries of NWT land claims, who are residents in the NWT are eligible for benefits under the Genuine Mackenzie Valley Fur Program.
The following furs are accepted:
- Bear
- Beaver
- Coyote
- Ermine
- Fisher
- Fox
- Lynx
- Marten
- Mink
- Muskox
- Muskrat
- Otter
- Squirrel
- Seal
- Wolf
- Wolverine
Pelts need to be in good condition in order to be eligible for consideration.
Good quality fur:
- Prime and clean
- Good dense fur coverage
- Well-handled, boarded clean leather and minor scars
- Bear, wolf, and wolverine must have claws, pads, intact and lips, eyes, and ears prepared to taxidermy standards
Poor quality fur:
- Not prime, rubbed
- Flat fur, poor coverage
- Poorly handled and/or over stretched
- Stained fur (greasy) and leather stale (yellowed) or green leather
How to apply
- Ensure your fur is good quality.
- You must have registered with Environment and Natural Resources the previous season.
- Contact your local regional office to determine the amount you are eligible for.
Contact us
Environment and Climate Change
PO Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9