Boreal Plains - Fort Smith, NT
Latitude - Longitude : 60° 00' 00" N - 111° 53' 00" W
Part of the survey since 1990, small mammal trapping is done using the Museum Special protocol. The trap lines were relocated in 1994. The habitat is white spruce with some willows and aspens. The hare survey transects have been in the same location since 1990. The survey is performed under the supervision of the ECC biologists and wildlife technicians.
For more details contact: Karl Cox or Michelle Swallow. Cite as ECC. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Fort Smith Site. GNWT, ECC, South Slave Region, Fort Smith, NT.
Boreal Plains - Fort Resolution, NT
Latitude - Longitude : 61° 10' 15" N - 113° 40' 15" W
Part of the survey since 2002, small mammal trapping is done using Museum Special protocol. The survey is performed under the supervision of the ECC South Slave Regional Biologists and Wildlife Technicians.
For more details contact: Rick Mandeville or Deborah Johnson. Cite as ECC. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Fort Resolution Site. GNWT, ECC, South Slave Region, Fort Smith, NT.
Boreal Plains - Pine Point, NT
Latitude - Longitude : 60° 50' 00" N - 114° 28' 00" W
This site was near part of the Hare survey in 1990-1996. There was no small mammal trapping. The survey was initiated as part of a monitoring program during and after reclamation of an old lead-zinc mine. The survey was performed under the supervision of the ECC Biologists and Wildlife Technicians.
For more details contact: Suzanne Carrière. Cite as ECC. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Pine Point Site. GNWT, ECC, South Slave Region, Fort Smith, NT.
Taiga Shield - Yellowknife, NT
Latitude - Longitude : 62° 27' 20" N - 114° 21' 00" W
Part of the survey since 1991, small mammal trapping is done using the Museum Special protocol. The small mammal trap lines have been located near Kam Lake Tower since 1991. The habitat is peat bog with some willows and black spruce along one line and Jack pines on rock with some spruce bog sections along the other line. The hare survey transects were not monitored in 1998, and were moved in 2000. The survey at this site is performed under the supervision of the ECC Biologists and Wildlife Technicians.
For more details contact: Suzanne Carrière. Cite as ECC. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Yellowknife Site. GNWT, ECC, Wildlife Division, Yellowknife, NT.
Taiga Shield - Gordon Lake, NWT
Latitude - Longitude : 63° 05' 00" N - 113° 11' 00" W
This site is part of a study on the effects of fire on the taiga, initiated in 1999 by ECC. Small mammal trapping is done using The Museum Special protocol. The survey lines were positioned partly in a recently burned area (fire in 1998) and partly in an unburned area, and have never been moved. The survey at this site is performed under the supervision of the ECC Biologists. Study design by S Carrière.
For more details contact: Suzanne Carrière. Cite as ECC. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Gordon Lake Site. GNWT, ECC, Wildlife Division, Yellowknife, NT.
Taiga Shield - Tibbitt Lake-Bliss Lake, NWT
Tibbitt: Latitude - Longitude : 62° 32' 00" N - 113° 21' 00" W
Bliss: Latitude - Longitude : 62° 39' 00" N - 113° 43' 00" W
Also part of a study on the effects of fire on the taiga initiated in 1999 ECC. Small mammal trapping is done using The Museum Special protocol. The survey lines were positioned partly in a recently burned area (same fire as Gordon Lake in 1998) and partly in an unburned area. The small mammal survey trap lines were moved from near Tibbitt Lake (1999-2001) to Bliss Lake (2002-current). The hare transects are near Tibbitt Lake and have not moved since 1999. The survey at this site is performed under the supervision of ECC. This site is part of the Bliss Lake Trapper Training Camp.
For more details contact: Suzanne Carrière. Cite as ECC. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Tibbitt-Bliss Lakes Site. GNWT, ECC, Wildlife Division, Yellowknife, NT.
Taiga Plains - Fort Liard, NWT
Latitude - Longitude : 60° 14' 00" N - 123° 28' 00" W
The Fort Liard small mammal project was designed in 1993 to monitor the effects of logging on small mammal abundance. Small mammal trapping was done using the Museum Special protocol. This study was conducted between 1993 and 1999. Hare abundance was not monitored near Fort Liard. The trap lines were located between the Fort Liard road and the Liard River, with 2 sets of transects in logged sites (cut in winter 1993) and 2 sets of transects in control sites of white spruce forest. The survey at this site was performed under the supervision of ECC biologists and wildlifeechnicians. Study design by Mark Bradley.
For more details contact: Danny Allaire. Cite as ECC. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Fort Liard Site. GNWT, ECC, Deh Cho Region, Fort Simpson, NT. (available on, accessed: date).
Taiga Plains - Fort Simpson, NWT
Latitude - Longitude : 61° 51' 45" N - 121° 20' 55" W
Part of the Small Mammal Survey since 1992, amall mammal trapping is done using rhe Museum Special protocol. Trap lines were located on the road to Wrigley (1992-2000), were not used in 2001 and were relocated in 2002-current. The habitat is mixed black and white spruce with patches of aspen, poplar, willow, and tamarack. The hare transects have been part of the survey since 1993, and were moved to a different site in 2002-current. The survey at this site is performed under the supervision of ECC biologists and wildlife technicians.
For more details contact: Danny Allaire. Cite as ECC. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Fort Simpson Site. GNWT, ECC, Deh Cho Region, Fort Simpson, NT.
Taiga Plains - Fort Providence- Mackenzie Bison Sanctuary, NWT
Latitude - Longitude : 61° 23' 00" N - 117° 37' 00" W
Part of the Hare Survey since 1988, small mammal trapping is not done at this site. Two sets of hare transects are located on the road from Fort Providence to Bechoko. One set of transects was initiated to monitor the effects of experimental forest fires on hare abundance. The other set of transects was initiated to monitor hare abundance during a lynx study. The habitat is mixed black and white spruce with patches of birches and aspen. Parts of the sanctuary were flooded in 2003 and 2004. One hare transect was moved to a different site in 2005, and some transects cannot be monitored due to flooding in some years. The survey at this site is performed under the supervision of ECC biologists and wildlife technicians.
For more details contact: Danny Allaire. Cite as ECC. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Fort Simpson Site. GNWT, ECC, Deh Cho Region, Fort Simpson, NT.
Taiga Plains - Norman Wells, NWT
Latitude - Longitude : 65° 16' 55" N - 126° 49' 45" W
Part of the survey since 1990 (except 1992), small mammal trapping was done using snap traps until 1999. The live trapping protocol has been used since from 2000. Hare transect surveys are performed. Surveys at this site are conducted under the supervision of ECC biologists and wildlife technicians with help from the schools and community.
For more details contact: Richard Popko and Heather Sayine-Crawford. Cite as ECC. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Norman Wells Site. GNWT, ECC, Sahtu Region, Norman Wells, NT.
Latitude - Longitude : 64° 54' 06" N - 125° 34' 41" W
Part of the survey since 2004 and is part of a project initiated by the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board. Small mammal trapping was done using the live trapping protocol. There is no hare transect survey. The small mammal survey at this site is performed under the supervision of SRRB biologists and foresters and community researchers.
For more details contact: Sahtu Renewable Resources Board. Cite as SRRB. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories – Tulita Site. SRRB, Tulita, NT.
Latitude - Longitude : 68° 21' 00" N - 133° 43' 00" W
Part of the survey in 1990-1991, it was re-initiated by the by the Gwich'in Renewable Resource Board and ECC. Small mammal survey at this site is performed under the supervision of the GRRB Biologist and Forests and community researchers with the help of ECC biologists and wildlife technicians.
For more details contact: Gwich'in Renewable Resource Board. Cite as GRRB. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Inuvik Site. SRRB, Tulita, NT.
Taiga Plains - Rat River Pass, NWT/Yukon
Latitude - Longitude : 67° 70' 00" N - 136° 35' 00" W
Initiated from 1999-2000 by the Gwich'in Renewable Resource Board, small mammal trapping was done using the Museum Special protocol. Three sites were used on the Rat River Pass, near Unnamed Lake (LAT 67.73, LONG 136.35), Summit Lake (LAT 67.70, LONG 136.48) and an unnamed site. The objective was to assess plant and animal biodiversity in the area. Five habitat types were selected as representative of the area: Alpine, Mixed Woods, Black Spruce, Sedge Hummocks, and Riparian. The survey is performed under the supervision of ECC biologists and foresters and community researchers.
For more details contact: Gwich'in Renewable Resource Board. Cite as GRRB. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Rat River Site. GRRB, Inuvik, NT.
Southern Arctic Interior - Daring Lake, Tundra Ecosystem Research Camp, NWT
Latitude - Longitude : 64° 50' 00" N - 111° 38' 00" W
Part of the survey since 1994, small mammal trapping was done using the Museum Special protocol. Hare transects have been modified to monitor annual changes in Arctic hare abundance. Habitat varies from shrub tundra on esker to grass-sedge meadows near a lake. Trapping was performed on 28 July - 3 August 1998 under the supervision of an ECC biologist. The survey at this site is performed under the supervision of ECC biologists and wildlife technicians and community researchers. It is also a component of the Tundra Science Camp.
For more details contact: Karin Clark. Cite as ECC. (year accessed). NWT Small Mammal and Hare Surveys in the Northwest Territories - Daring Lake Site. GNWT, ECC, Wildlife Division, Yellowknife, NT.