Evacuee Registration Form

This form is for NWT residents who need to evacuate—or be prepared to evacuate—due to an emergency or disaster.

One registration may be used for individuals or households. You must complete all the questions asked for every member of the household. Family members who live in a different location must register separately.

The Evacuee Registration portal contains personal information that cannot be used without consent from the individual for whom the personal information belongs.

For more information and resources about what to do in case of an evacuation, go to: www.nwtalert.ca

Address Information

If you do not have an address please provide a lot number or description of where you live.

Contact Information

Please enter a cell phone number (not a landline) that can be used to contact you during an evacuation or enter N/A if you do not have a cell phone.
Email (optional)

Emergency Information

Personal Information

Evacuation Information

In the event of an evacuation order, go to www.nwtalert.ca to find out where the designated evacuation centre for your community is located.

Evacuees accompanied by a service animal may be asked to provide documentation, such as a note from a regulated health professional.

Someone will follow up with you about an assessment after you check in at the evacuation centre.

Applicant Declaration


If you have any questions please reach out to your community government.