Gerry Cheezie appointed chairperson of Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Leadership Council

News Releases

Yellowknife — August 30, 2022

The Minister of Health and Social Services is pleased to announce her appointment of Gerry Cheezie, of Ndilǫ, as chairperson of the Health and Social Services Leadership Council.

Mr. Cheezie will serve a three-year term. He succeeds Jim Antoine, who served as chairperson since the Leadership Council began operating six years ago. The Leadership Council also includes the chairperson of each Regional Wellness Council and the Tłįcho Community Services Agency, as well as the Deputy Minister of the Department of Health and Social Services (ex-officio and non-voting).

The Leadership Council serves as the board of management for the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority. It represents the views and perspectives of NWT residents and provides strategic direction on programs and services to the Minister of Health and Social Services.

Mr. Cheezie has many years experience working with First Nations, Métis Councils, community, territorial, and federal governments, and has contributed to various organizations as chairperson or as a board member, including two terms on the Housing NWT Board of Directors.

Mr. Cheezie’s appointment is effective August 1, 2022, through July 31, 2025.


“Mr. Cheezie’s governance experience along with his work with Indigenous Governments and Indigenous organizations make him an excellent candidate for this position. He appreciates the many ways that health is impacted by social determinants, and the importance of collaboration, accountability, and transparency. I look forward to regular discussions about our shared objective to provide quality care within the health and social services system.”

“I would like to thank outgoing chairperson Jim Antoine for six years of dedicated service through the growth and development of the Health and Social Services Authority, which launched in 2016.”

- Julie Green, Minister of Health and Social Services

Quick facts

  • The term of the previous chairperson of the Leadership Council expired
    July 31, 2022. A Call for Nominations was issued on May 24, 2022.
  • The Chairperson ensures the overall effectiveness and accountability of the Leadership Council through consensus building and responsible decision making and acts as the main point of contact between the Council and the Minister.

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