GNWT Extends Territorial Public Health Emergency

Public Service Announcement

Yellowknife — July 7, 2020

The Minister of Health and Social Services Diane Thom has extended the territory-wide Public Health Emergency under the Northwest Territories’ Public Health Act on the recommendation of Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO) Dr. Kami Kandola.

The global COVID-19 pandemic is not over and new cases continue to be reported in other Canadian jurisdictions. Strong public health measures continue to be necessary to ensure that the risk to NWT residents is managed and the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is prepared to respond quickly to any new cases and take appropriate steps to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our territory. 

While public health measures will continue, the GNWT has determined that there is sufficient authority under the Public Health Act to implement them, and will not be extending the State of Emergency under the Emergency Management Act.

The GNWT declared the State of Emergency early in the pandemic to make sure it was ready to take extraordinary steps to support the implementation of public health orders. As the NWT has been successful at managing the risk of COVID-19 using the tools available under the Public Health Act, it has not had to draw on the additional authorities available under the Emergency Management Act.

The GNWT will continue to review its actions and arrangements for responding to the pandemic to ensure they remain effective and are aligned with the current circumstances, including relaxed restrictions as identified in Emerging Wisely. If deemed necessary, such as in the event of evidence of community spread in a second wave, and the need for additional powers, the GNWT is prepared to re-enact a State Of Emergency.

The Government of the Northwest Territories is reminding everyone that travel within the NWT is restricted upon arrival with limited exceptions. Everyone entering the NWT is required to self-isolate for 14 days in Yellowknife, Inuvik, Hay River or Fort Smith - with few exceptions.

All residents are reminded to follow the orders and advice from the Chief Public Health Officer as we continue to proceed in Phase 2 of the Emerging Wisely plan.

Any person who has any questions or inquiries can contact Protect NWT at or 1-833-378-8297 or visit our website at:



Media contact:

Mike Westwick

Manager, Communications (COVID-19 Response)

Health and Social Services