GNWT releases Educator Training Plans for curriculum renewal

Public Service Announcement

Yellowknife — May 23, 2023

The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) released its 2023-2024 Educator Training Plans today. This marks the third of five steps towards transitioning to an adapted version of British Columbia's Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 (JK-12) curriculum.

Teacher training will involve a blend of in-person professional learning opportunities that were co-developed with NWT education bodies, as well as a suite of online courses. The initial training calendar runs throughout the 2023-2024 school year and is tailored for educators, support staff, new NWT educators, education bodies, and school principals.

The training focuses on the foundational pieces of the new curriculum (i.e., the “know-do-understand” model), as well as assessment tools, such as report cards, standardized tests, and diploma exams. It will also include a structure for the GNWT to hold engagement sessions with educators and key education partners, such as Indigenous governments, the Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association, and education bodies, to collect feedback throughout the implementation and transition to the BC curriculum.

The new curriculum will be introduced in the 2023-2024 school year, when it will be trialed in Grades 4-6 and Grade 9 in all NWT schools, in some or all subjects depending on region.

The most up-to-date JK-12 curriculum timeline can be viewed here. Most importantly throughout the five-year implementation timeline, educators will continue to be supported through professional learning opportunities from both their education body and the Department of Education, Culture and Employment to ensure an effective and collaborative roll out.


For media requests, please contact:

Briony Grabke

Manager, Public Affairs and Communications

Department of Education, Culture and Employment

Government of the Northwest Territories

867-767-9352  Ext. 71073