New funding available to support Indigenous language interpreter and translator skills training

News Releases

Yellowknife — August 2, 2022

The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is pleased to announce new funding available to support Indigenous language professionals who want to advance their knowledge and skills.

The GNWT recognizes that Indigenous language interpreters and translators are vital to language revitalization and achieving the vision of a territory where Indigenous languages are supported, respected, and thriving.

Indigenous language interpreters and translators living in the Northwest Territories (NWT) can now apply for funding to cover eligible expenses including tuition, fees, books, and materials to support their participation in:

  • Terminology workshops on topics such as health, social services, justice, politics, mining, and the environment.
  • Training for computer software such as Microsoft, Zoom, GoTo Meeting, Adobe Acrobat, etc., and smartphone and tablet use.
  • Continuing professional development and refresher training.

Interested Indigenous language interpreters and translators can submit a maximum of two applications. Each application may receive up to $1,000 of funding. Applications will be accepted between July 2022 and March 2023. More information about the funding and how to apply can be found at

This funding supports Action 2.4 of the NWT Indigenous Languages Action Plan 2018-2022 which aims to support and offer training to new and existing NWT interpreters and translators.


“It is a priority of our government to support First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in their efforts to revitalize their languages and develop the next generation of Indigenous language speakers. This includes support for Indigenous language interpreters and translators, who are essential to the preservation and revitalization of Indigenous languages.”

- R. J. Simpson, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment 

Quick facts

  • On July 18, 2022 the Government of Canada announced that the NWT will receive $17,700,000 over 3 years (2021-22 to 2023-24) through the Canada-Northwest Territories Agreement on Indigenous Languages.
  • The GNWT contributes $156,000 to support Indigenous language interpreters and translators in the NWT.

Related links

For media requests, please contact:

Briony Grabke

Manager, Public Affairs and Communications

Department of Education, Culture and Employment

Government of the Northwest Territories

867-767-9352 Ext. 71073