Premier Cochrane announces Cabinet portfolio changes

News Releases

Yellowknife — September 4, 2020

YELLOWKNIFE (September 4, 2020) –Premier Caroline Cochrane announced the following portfolio assignments for Members of the Executive Council today:

  • Hon. Caroline Cochrane – Minister of Executive and Indigenous Affairs, Minister Responsible for the COVID -19 Coordinating Secretariat.
  • Hon. Diane Thom – Deputy Premier, Minister of Infrastructure, Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Power Corporation. 
  • Hon. Caroline Wawzonek – Minister of Finance, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment, including responsibility for the Business Development and Investment Corporation, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women.
  • Hon. Shane Thompson – Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Minister of Lands, Minister Responsible for the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission.
  • Hon. Paulie Chinna – Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation, Minister Responsible for Homelessness, Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, Minister Responsible for Youth, Minister Responsible for the Public Utilities Board.
  • Hon. Julie Green – Minister of Health and Social Services, Minister Responsible for Persons with Disabilities, Minister Responsible for Seniors.
  • Hon. R.J. Simpson – Government House Leader, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment and Minister of Justice.


Appointment orders are being prepared for the Commissioner’s signature and will take effect at noon on September 8, 2020. Premier Cochrane and Members of Cabinet will be available to take media questions about the portfolio assignments on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Media wishing to attend are asked to email and confirm their attendance.



“Following meetings and discussions with all Cabinet Ministers, I am pleased to unveil the new portfolio assignments today. The new assignments take advantage of the broad range of talent and experience on Cabinet, and all Ministers are looking forward to focusing their attention on the needs of NWT residents and the priorities of the 19th Legislative Assembly.”

- Caroline Cochrane, Premier of the Northwest Territories


Quick Facts:

  • Under the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act (LAEC Act), the Executive Council is composed of a Premier chosen by the Legislative Assembly and persons appointed by the Commissioner on the advice of the Legislative Assembly.
  • The Commissioner, on the advice of the Premier, may appoint Ministers from among the Members of the Executive Council. The Commissioner may also revoke appointments as Minister on the advice of the Premier.
  • The Executive Council is responsible for the overall management and direction of the executive government of the Northwest Territories, including matters of policy.

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Cabinet Communications

Government of the Northwest Territories